Explore 10 Types Of Agro Based Industries in India

Published 08 Dec, 2023

Textile Industry

India's textile industry, the largest agro-based sector, produces yarn, textiles, and garments, contributing to the country's economy and employment generation.

Food Processing Industry

The Food Processing Industry, the world's largest and fifth-largest in India, encompasses crucial sectors such as dairy, sugar, vegetable oil, and tea/coffee processing.

Dairy Industry

The Indian dairy industry, contributing 4% to GDP, provides farmers with a significant secondary income, contributing 20% to the global milk supply.

Sugar industry

India's sugar industry, ranking second globally, produced 28.9 million metric tonnes in 2019-20, contributing nearly 17% to the world's total sugar production.

Vegetable Oil Industry

India is the world's largest user and importer of edible oils, producing 5% of the world's vegetable oil and accounting for 14% of global imports in 2020.

Tea Industry

Tea is the second most consumed liquid globally, with India being a major consumer, consuming three-quarters of global production.

Coffee Industry

India is now the world's sixth-largest producer and exporter of coffee. In 2022, coffee production totaled 3,93,400 metric tonnes.

Leather Goods Industry

The Indian leather industry produces around 12.93 % of the world's leather hides and skins, thrives with exports reaching 326 billion INR in 2022.

Bamboo Industry

Bamboo industry in India thrives as a lucrative income source, with a rising demand for sustainable bamboo products amid growing environmental awareness.

Jute Industry

The jute industry, a significant agro-based sector, supports over 4 million livelihoods and is rapidly expanding, emerging as an essential part of India's economy.

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