Different Types of Farming in India | Tractorgyan

Published 22 Dec, 2022

Subsistence Farming

Subsistence farming is the predominant or most common style of farming where crops are primarily grown for families and are not sold in the market.

Primitive Subsistence Farming

It is a type of subsistence farming which is practised mainly over small patches of land using agricultural tools like hoe, Dao, digging sticks, etc.

Intensive Farming

It is a type of farming that is based on maximizing output by employing high tasks of the labour force and agricultural tools, using chemical pesticides.

Extensive Farming

Extensive farming refers to the utilization of a wide area of land for cultivation where total production may be high, but per unit production is low.

Commercial Farming

Commercial farming is a type of farming that is responsible for generating a high amount of revenue in the economy through its practice.

Plantation Farming

Plantation agriculture is an extensive type of farming where a single crop, also referred to as a monoculture, is grown on a large farm.

Dry Land Farming

Dry Land farming refers to the practice of cultivating crops without water in areas with an annual rainfall of 750 mm to 500 mm or less.

Wet Land Farming

Wetland farming is a type of farming practised in areas that are highly dependent upon rains and is practised in rainy seasons only.

Mixed Farming

Mixed farming is the practice of cultivating a variety of crops on a single piece of land, which is popular in India.

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