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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 04/07/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 04/07/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 04/07/2020

ट्रैक्टरज्ञान आपके लिये लाया है कृषि जगत से जुड़ी आज की मुख्य खबरें!

06 Jul, 2020

1.Top 10 High Demanding Milk Producing Cattle Breeds in India

Cows are the most common domesticated animals in India and many other countries. They are most commonly raised for meat, milk and hides and many more purposes. In India, they have religious significance as well. In India, many people breed cows for milk. The best milk cow breeds in India include Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, etc. Gir Cattles have their name originated from the Gir forests from where these cattles come. These cows are identified by their half-moon shaped horns. They yield 1200- 1800 kg milk per lactation. Sahiwal cows come from the Montgomery region and they are the best dairy breed cow. They yield 1400 – 2500 kg milk per lactation. The Red Sindhi breed of cows are mainly found in Karachi and also called as Sindhi or red Karachi. they are called so because of their body colour which is often shades of red. This breed yields 1100 – 2600 kg milk per lactation. These cows are used in crossbreeding. Rathi is a cow obtained by the cross-breeding of 4 different breeds one of which is Red Sindhi. they are also a breed of milch cattles and yield 1062 to 2810 kg milk per lactation. There are many other breeds like Ongole, Deoni, Kankrej, Hariana, and Tharparkar which also produce nearly 1000 kg of milk per lactation.


2. Sabjee Cooler for farmers by IIT students.

Farmers are not able to gain the desired profit from their field yields in India. Three IIT  Bombay ex-students named as Gunvant Nehete, Sharayu Kulkarni, and Vikash Jha have come up with an idea to solve the problem of farmers and created this new kind of refrigerator known as 'Sabjee Cooler' for vegetables which is cheap, eco-friendly and viable.

They are running a startup named as Rukart Technology under which they are providing small farmers farm technology which requires less maintenance and helps them to generate greater revenue. Sabjee Cooler is based on evaporating cooling and this mud pot like structure built on the fields and farmers can choose the suitable size based on their needs. Farmers don't have to do anything extra to take care of it except they just have to water Sabjee Cooler once in a day. Presently, Rukart technology has installed 75 coolers in parts of Orissa, Maharashtra and Bihar.

As due to COVID farmers have to follow the guidelines issued by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for harvest,post-harvest, storage and marketing for Rabi Crops. During lockdown due to less exposure to facilities, the Sabjee Cooler has gained the attention of farmers. Rukart Technologies are hoping for a rise in demand for the cooler.


3. Balaram Scheme for Odisha's Landless Farmers


The state government of Odisha has decided to give financial aid to the landless farmers of the state. The helping initiative of the government will help them in this hardship of Covid-19. The program is launched under Balaram scheme.

The loans will be given through a joint liability group which act as social collateral. Each bank will finance at least 10 joint liability groups and there are 7000 such banks and Primary Agriculture Cooperative Society,  PACS in a rural and semi-urban area. The credit limit for a single group is decided as ₹1.60 lakh and constitutes five members.

The motive is to provide relief to about 7,00,000 landless cultivators through approximately 1.40 lakh Joint liability groups within 2 years. The total amount allotted by the Odisha government is estimated to be ₹1,040 crores. This kind of step by the government is very commendable as it will going to improve and save the lives of many people by enhancing their agricultural productivity.


4. Sales of fertilizers suddenly increases as the kharif season approaches


Due to COVID-19 lockdown and economic slowdown it was supposed that a fall in the sales of fertilizers will be seen. But instead of decline in sales a sudden rise in sales was seen as the outcome of approach of kharif season.

Last year the sales of 61.05 lakh tonnes fertilizers was recorded during the period of April-June while this year it suddenly went up by 82.81% hence resulting in sales of 111.61 lakh tonnes of fertilizers to farmers.

Not only fertilizers but increase in sales of urea , DAP and complex fertilizers was also seen. The sales of urea increased by 67% recording the sales of 64.82 lakh tonnes while DAP and complex fertilizers increased by approximately two folds recording the sales of 22.46 and 24.32 lakh tonnes respectively.

And amidst this pandemic Department of Fertilizers along with Railways, State governments and ports is consistently working hard  to fulfill these needs and demands of farmers.

According to D V Sadananda Gowda the Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers state governments have been provided sufficient stocks of fertilizers after precisely checking the stock and availability of fertilizers to the farmers.


5. नामधारी 2466 टमाटर से अब पाएं दोगुनी उपज

आज के आधुनिक दौर में किसान अपनी फसल की पैदावार बढ़ा रहे हैं । इसी कड़ी में कृषि वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा  कम समय में टमाटर की बेहतर पैदावार देने वाला एक बीज तैयार किया गया है । कानपुर के चन्द्रशेखर आजाद कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय (सीएसए) ने टमाटर की नई किस्म विकसित की है , जिसका नाम  है , नामधारी 2466 । जहां सामान्य टमाटर 400 से 600 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर की उपज देते हैं, वही नामधारी 4266 से 1200 से 1400 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर टमाटर की उपज प्राप्त की जा सकती है । सामान्य टमाटर की खेती जितने ही औसत खर्च में इस टमाटर की खेती की जा सकती है । खास बात है कि इसमें बीमारी और  कीट नहीं लगते और महज 45 दिनों में फसल तैयार हो जाती है । इसकी सिंचाई के लिए भी ज्यादा पानी की आवश्यकता नहीं होती और इसकी टपक विधि से आसानी से सिंचाई की जा सकती है । इसकी बुवाई का सबसे उपयुक्त समय है सितंबर एवं अक्टूबर माह जिससे दिसंबर से लेकर फरवरी तक इसकी फसल तैयार हो जाती है ।

6. सोनालिका ट्रैक्टर्स ने जून में 47.8% की वृद्धि दर्ज करते हुए 15,200 इकाइयां बेचीं। 


भारत की सबसे युवा ट्रैक्टर निर्माता कंपनी सोनालिका ट्रैक्टर्स ने 2 जुलाई को जून माह के बिक्री और निर्यात के आंकड़े जारी कर दिए है। सोनालिका ने जून माह में कुल 15200 ट्रैक्टरों की बिक्री की,जिसमें 13691 इकाइयों की बिक्री भारत में हुई और 1509 इकाइयों का निर्यात किया गया।विगत वर्ष कंपनी ने इसी महीने में 10286 ट्रैक्टर बेंचे थे, इस वर्ष इस आंकड़े में 47.8% की वृद्धि हुई। जून 2019 में 8827 इकाइयों की बिक्री भारत में जिसमें इस वर्ष 55.1% वृद्धि हुई और 1459 इकाइयों का निर्यात हुआ था जिसमें इस वर्ष 3.4% की वृद्धि दर्ज हुई।

सोनालिका के कार्यकारी निदेशक रमन मित्तल बताते है कि कंपनी ने लोकडाउन की घोषणा के बाद वित्त वर्ष की पहली तिमाही बिक्री में गिरावट से बचने के लिए सभी संभव प्रयासों को लगाने का फैसला किया था, कंपनी ने इस तिमाही में 5% की वृद्धि दर्ज की, जो कि ट्रैक्टर उद्योग में सर्वाधिक है।

इसके पहले रेटिंग एजेंसी क्रिसिल भी कोविड -19 की आर्थिक मंदी में ट्रैक्टरों की बिक्री में कोई नकारात्मक प्रभाव ना पड़ने की संभावना जता चुकी है I


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