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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 07/07/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 07/07/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 07/07/2020

ट्रैक्टरज्ञान आपके लिये लाया है कृषि जगत से जुड़ी आज की मुख्य खबरें!

07 Jul, 2020

1. कृषक बंधु योजना से मिलेगा लाभ 


पश्चिम बंगाल में मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी द्वारा 2019 में शुरू की गई कृषक बंधु योजना से पश्चिम बंगाल के किसानों को लाभ मिल सकता है । इसके अंतर्गत किसानों को निशुल्क फसल बीमा की सुविधा तो मिलेगी ही साथ ही उनकी जरूरतें भी पूरी की जाएंगी । वहीं दुर्घटना और असमय मौत होने पर किसानों को दो लाख की राशि जितना आर्थिक लाभ प्रदान किया जाएगा । कृषक बंधु योजना में 19 से लेकर 60 वर्ष की उम्र वाले किसान लाभ पा सकेंगे । योजना के तहत 1 एकड़ भूमि पर किसानों को ₹500000 सालाना आर्थिक मदद दी जाती है । आउस धान, मक्का और जूट की फसल के लिए 15 जुलाई तक एवं अमन धान के लिए 31 जुलाई तक फसल बीमा के लिए आवेदन किया जा सकता है । इसमें आप ऑनलाइन वेबसाइट https/krishakbandhu.net पर रजिस्टर कर सकते हैं या जिले के कृषि विभाग अधिकारी के पास जाकर भी आवेदन कर सकते हैं।


आवेदन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज -

• वोटर कार्ड 

• आधार कार्ड 

• खेती का प्रमाण पत्र

2.किसान ने बनाया एलपीजी से चलने वाला पंपिंग सेट, सिंचाई बनेगी किफायती। 



एक तरफ जहां धान की फसल के लिए खेतों में सिंचाई चल रही है और दूसरी तरफ डीजल के दाम लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं। सिंचाई के लिए डीजल पंप का इस्तेमाल करने वाले किसान जहां डीजल के बढ़ते दामों से परेशान है,वहीं उत्तर प्रदेश के बाराबंकी जिले के झंझरा ग्राम के एक किसान ने एलपीजी से चलने वाले पंप की तकनीक विकसित की है। इस तकनीक से ना केवल पैसों की बचत होगी बल्कि पंप में अन्य कई विशेषताएं जुड़ जाएंगी। एलपीजी से चलने वाला पंप धुआं नहीं छोड़ता है,इसे पंपिंग सेट के साथ सीधे सिलिंडर से भी रेगुलेट कर सकते है और पंप से पानी निकलने में भी कोई कमी नहीं आती। एलपीजी सिंचाई पंप का इस्तेमाल आसान है,बस एलपीजी सिलिंडर के रेगुलेटर से लगे पाइप को पंपिंग सेट के स्टेलर से लगाकर उपयोग में लिया जा सकता है।


इस तकनीक को 42 वर्षीय सर्वेश कुमार वर्मा ने इजाद किया है,वे केवल 12 वीं पास और एक मध्यमवर्गीय परिवार का पालन पोषण कर रहे है। सर्वेश बताते है की जहां पहले डीज़ल की 1 लीटर प्रति घंटे की खपत होती थी अब एक घंटे का मात्र 27 से 30 रुपए ही खर्च होते हैं।


3. The question 'Who is behind the Soya seed failure in Maharashtra?', is still unanswered.



Farmers in Maharashtra have complained about the ungerminated soya seeds to the state government. In the state of Maharashtra the seed distribution section is mainly controlled by private and state-owned seed companies, where private covers almost 60 ℅ of it i.e.there are 77 private seed companies. The seeds are provided to farmers after the quality check in national laboratories so according to Mr.S B Wankhede the failure of soya seeds is not because of its quality it is due to improper germination as farmers have sown it before getting 77 to 100 mm rainfall which is kind of necessity for a crop like a soya to grow perfectly.

As it's not possible that all the seeds provided to farmers are fake. And the list of seed providers also includes 'Mahabeej' which is the state government company so it's not right to take action against private companies just based on complaints. Hence, Seed association has requested the Maharashtra government to set up a committee who will look after this issue.


Popularly knows as the Golden Bean, Soyabean is a crop that is exceptionally nutritional and very rich in proteins. It is easy to grow and requires very little maintenance. It is also called meal maker in India. Soybean requires well-drained and fertile loamy soils with a pH range between 6.0 and 7.5. Waterlogging damages the crop, so it is mandatory to have good soil drainage in the rainy season. It is grown best in mid-June to mid-July. Land selection is very important in soybean farming as this will impact the overall production of soybean. The mainland must not have been sown with soybean crops in the previous season to avoid volunteer plants that cause admixture. Land continuously cultivated with soybean may harbor wilt pathogen. so these kinds of fields must be avoided. Seed Quality is very important in farming and special care has to be taken that the seeds taken are from authentic sources. Recently there is a demand that the government must appoint a committee to check germination failure issues as the state government had denied the permission to file cases against seed companies whose seeds don’t give proper germination.


4. Will government be able to fulfill its promises by 2022? 




Central government has announced many schemes for welfare but still the promise of doubling farmers’ income by 2022 seems unrealistic. The money sanctioned for various agriculture policies tells us that the government might not be able to achieve half of their goal by 2020.

Even though a big change in expenditure budget for the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare was made for 2019-20 as it raised by 92% and made Rs 1,30,485 crores, mainly dependent on PM-Kisan that promotes direct income transfer among farmers. But there were no other major changes in other policies to increase farmer’s income.

Especially when it comes to allocating money for the Department of Agriculture Research and Education it was allocated Rs 8,078 crore that is only 0.37% of agriculture GDP whereas it should be at least 1% of agriculture GDP to make a significant change in the farmers’ incomes. And such an ignorance of agriculture R&D may lead to a huge barrier in the government's way of fulfilling their promise. Lack of new innovations and research in agriculture may lead to the loss of productivity and agricultural exports in upcoming future.

Even when it comes to subsidies for fertilizer there were no changes except increasing the money allocated to it from Rs 70,000 crore to Rs 80,000 crore. As well as with about pending bills of about Rs 30,000 crore for fertiliser industry it wasn’t even included in P

Rs 9,681 crore that is not at all sufficient to promote effective irrigation practices among farmers.

Such irrational and insufficient allocation by the government for agricultural policies has made us question whether they will be able to fulfill their promises or not.

M-Kisan consequently resulting in lowering the hopes of the fertilizer industry.Not only on fertilizer and R&D but the government hasn’t even paid enough attention to irrigation. They have only increased the grant for PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana just by 17%, hence allotting it5.The

5. Downturn in Tea Production 



India is the second-biggest producer of tea in the world. Indian tea is exported to Egypt, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. Also, the orthodox variety of tea is exported to Iraq, Iran and Russia.

India's tea production is adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the complete shut down throughout the nation, the production in the month of March and April was very minimum and it resulted into overall decline of about 40% in the production in the first four months of the year 2020 with overall production estimated to be 113.36  million kg of tea.

Assam is famous for its tea and there also the production decreased by almost 76% in the month of April as compared to the previous year with the total production of 10.99 million kg of tea. According to an estimation, tea production in India will witness an overall decrease of about 9% in the year 2020.


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