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Vehicle of Tomorrow- Ola Electrc Scooter is coming to your way. Read more!

    Vehicle of Tomorrow- Ola Electrc Scooter is coming to your way. Read more!

26 Jul, 2021

Ola’s electric scooter has been the talk of the town for a couple of months since the former trailer of the electric scooter was released in March featuring the old chairman and the group CEO of Ola company Mr Bhavesh Agrawal. The video release also showcased its amazing performance and exceptionality in the market. Recently, Ola electric scooter video was launched a few months ago to give vivid and detailed information about the incredible features and structure that it has. However, the launch of the Ola Electric scooter is expected to be in August 2021.

The enthusiasm and hullabaloo regarding the Ola scooter keep on continuing throughout the media. The excitement of the scooter has propelled the audience to keep engaged with it till the company Ola, finally launches its first edition of electric scooter. Ola electric scooter is the first Made in India launch with an extrinsic range of scooters, which gives a completely new image of what the users should think and expect out of the scooter. The extravagant look, the enriched features it has and the incredible technology that it carries, within its structure makes it a game-changing vehicle and a beauty to drive.

Ola Electric Scooter colour options
Ola has made its presence more powerful in the market by launching its first-ever Ola electric scooter that is truly a bliss to watch. The design of the vehicles holds the attention and the colours it has in variety makes it look more rich and cool. Since, the trailer launch shows up the black and bold colour of the electric scooter, pink and blue are expected to be in the list of Ola electric scooter colours too. The tagline of these electric ola scooter brands itself enhances the real beauty- “Many colours, All Green! which says a lot about the availability of the scooter in different colours yet all of them having an eco-friendly composition. This is the creative and innovative blend of the concept with technology.

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Ola Electric Scooter specifications
The Ola electric scooters are the best vehicle made up of modified technology that is environmentally friendly and easy to use. The electric scooter has various amazing specifications that make it more wanted and one in the million. The launch of the Ola scooters are in 3 categories 3KW, 4KW AND 7KW the top speed of the base variant is 45lm/h 70 km/h and  95 km/h, respectively. The customer tribe is highly amazed by its specifications and are in a desperate wait to see them in the market. You too can have a look at its wonderful features-

  • Incredible speed - a vehicle is most wanted only if it has an amazing and unbeatable speed. Ola electric scooter has an exceptional mileage feature that gears up its speed to almost a convenient point.

  • Spacious seating - the vehicle has ergonomic and spacious seating, that helps in giving a pleasant experience to the driver.

  • World-class acceleration - Acceleration is the next big feature that a customer looks into an electric vehicle before purchasing it.

  • Excellent riding comfort - A scooter is considered to be the best only if it has an exceptionally wow riding comfort. Guess what, Ola electric scooter has it in advance, so if you want to ride the streets with pleasure and peace, then stay tuned up to get one.

  • Top-notch handling and management - The Ola electric scooter is one you can handle and manage driving it easily with utmost ease and comfort. The exquisite Ola scooter has top-notch design and mind-blowing handling that you wouldn’t deny to have ever.

Ola Electric Scooter price range 

The Ola electric scooter is the largest and the most advanced kind of scooter that has a very economical and cost-effective price. However, the newest launch of this electric scooter came up with the exciting option to book the scooter purchase with a starting price of Rs 499 INR. The old chairman and the group CEO of Ola company Mr Bhavesh Agrawal have announced the booking rates worth Rs 499 INR that have surprisingly boomed up the market with overenthu. To your surprise the company already got 1 lakh registrations for the electric scooter within 24 hours of its announcement. The actual and real-term price of Ola electric scooter is yet not revealed by the brand, yet it seems to be economical and budget-friendly in nature.

Assessing from its trailer launch the scooter seems to be as large and normal as any other two-wheeler bike whereas it also has an amazing battery backup that can serve you a pleasant drive up to a sound number of kilometres. Further, you don't have to settle with one colour as the scooter is dolled up with some refined and exquisite colours that aren’t seen elsewhere with any of the other brands. In addition, it also has a TFT instrument cluster that makes it a perfect fit and choice for extravagant riders. 




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