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Newly Launched Solis 6524 4WD and Solis 3210 2WD Models Take Center Stage at Kisan Agri Show 2024

    Newly Launched Solis 6524 4WD and Solis 3210 2WD Models Take Center Stage at Kisan Agri Show 2024

16 Dec, 2024

Solis Yanmar captured attention at the Kisan Agri Show 2024 by unveiling two advanced tractor models – Solis 6524 4WD and Solis 3210 2WD. Launched by Mr. Mudit Gupta, President of Solis Yanmar (Domestic), these new models incorporate cutting-edge Japanese technology. The tractors quickly became the centre of attention for the thousands of visitors to the exhibition for their advanced technology, unique features and innovative design. The exhibition was also graced by Channel Partners from across Maharashtra, Influencers and Proud Owners.

What All Solis Yanmar Showcased at the Event?

Along with the new launches, Solis Yanmar also delivered 26 of the most powerful multispeed tractors. These tractors are designed to enhance farming productivity. This delivery underscores Solis Yanmar’s commitment to meeting the growing demands of farmers with advanced machinery.

About the Event:

The Kisan Agri Show is currently one of India's biggest exhibitions, with over 500 organisations participating. This year, the exhibition was held at the Pune International Exhibition and Convention Centre (PIECC) in Maharashtra. More than 1 Lakh individuals came to the exhibition. These individuals were farmers, policymakers, and industry experts. At the event, many topics were discussed, like farm machines, irrigation, and sustainable farming practices.

About the Company:

Solis Yanmar, a joint venture between Yanmar Co. Ltd. of Japan and International Tractors Limited (ITL), continues to make progress in the Indian agricultural industry. As it has modern manufacturing plants situated in Hoshiarpur, Punjab and its headquarters in New Delhi, the firm is able to offer reliable, innovative solutions for farmers everywhere in the nation.

With the introduction of the 3210 2WD and 6524 4WD models, the company is well-positioned to grow its market share and establish a leading position in the agricultural equipment market. Its tagline, Viksit Kisan ki Pehli Pasand, reflects its commitment to being the first choice of progressive farmers across India.

https://images.tractorgyan.com/uploads/117068/675d33cd1d668-grab-90-percent-subsidy-on-mini-tractors.jpg मिनी ट्रैक्टर खरीदे 90% सब्सिडी के साथ, ऐसे करे आवेदन
कर्नाटक सरकार की कृषि भाग्य योजना के तहत किसानों को मिनी ट्रैक्टर और अन्य कृषि उपकरणों पर 90% तक की सब्सिडी मिल रही है। जानें कैसे आप इस योजना का लाभ ...
https://images.tractorgyan.com/uploads/117069/675d6f0a99ad3-sonalika-tractor-company-history.jpg मात्र 28 साल पहले शुरू हुई ये ट्रैक्टर कंपनी आज है दुनिया की शीर्ष 5 ट्रैक्टर कंपनियों में शामिल!
सोनालीका ट्रैक्टर्स की प्रेरणादायक कहानी जानें, जिसने महज 28 वर्षों में किसानों की जरूरतों को समझते हुए आधुनिक और उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले ट्रैक्टरों के साथ...
https://images.tractorgyan.com/uploads/117075/675ff63be5101-eicher-prima-380-bio-diesel-tractor-launched.jpg आयशर प्राइमा 380 अब चलेगा बायो डीजल से !
आयशर ने लॉन्च किया नया आयशर प्राइमा 380 बायो डीजल ट्रैक्टर, जो न केवल ऊर्जा बचाता है बल्कि प्रदूषण में भी कमी लाता है। आयशर प्राइमा 380 बायो डीजल की उ...

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