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All MRL Tractor Tyre In India

mrl mtf 257 single rib 6.50x16 front tyreMRL is India’s leading tractor tyre brand offering tyres for tractors and farm implements. Its tractor tyres are designed with the latest construction technology and premium-grade material. An MRL front tractor tyre can provide better steering control to the tractor. This brand also offers rear tractor tyres to provide substantial support during tractor operations. MRL Tractor Tyre Price: The MRL tractor tyre price is Rs. 3500*- 45000* in India. This price variation is according to the tyre size and construction. Popular MRL Tractor Tyres In India: Farmers can find the best MRL tractor tyres from leading models like MRL MRT 302-M93, MRL MRT 302 RT- M93, MRL MRT 329 Kirti, and MRL MRT 338 Kesari.

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Recently Asked Question About All MRL Tractor Tyre

What is the price of MRL tractor tyres?

MRL tractor tyre price is Rs. 3,500* and reach up to Rs. 45,000*.

Which is the most popular MRL tractor tyre?

MRL MRT 329- Kirti, MRL MRT 330- Rudra, etc are the most popular MRL tractor tyre.

How good are MRL tractor tyres?

MRL Tractor tyres are long-lasting, offer excellent road grip, and competitive pricing, these are one of the safest and most reliable tractor tyres you can go for.

How many different sizes are available in MRL tractor tyres?

MRL tractor tyres are available in all different sizes including 12.4-24, 13.6-24, 11.2-28, and so on.

What is the durability of MRL tractor tyres?

The durability of MRL tractor tyres depends on how well the vehicle has been maintained, driving style, farm and road conditions, etc.

How many MRL tractor tyre models can you find at Tractorgyan?

You can find 11+ MRL tractor tyre models at Tractorgyan.

Where can I get complete details about the MRL tractor tyre?

At Tractorgyan, you can find complete details about the MRL tractor tyres.

How do I find the manufacturing date of my MRL tractor tyre?

You have to find 4 digit number on the sidewall of a MRL tractor tyre. The first 2 digits of the 4-digit number represent the week of manufacturing and the last 2 digits of the 4-digit no. represent the year.

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About MRL Tractor Tyres

MRL tractor tyres are designed with modern technologies and premium-grade materials. This quality of an MRL tractor tyre makes it an ideal choice for farmers. These tyres are available for mini tractors and commercial tractors. 

MRL offers front and rear tyres in different sizes and dimensions. Farmers can purchase bias and radial tyres from the MRL brand. You have a wide range of tyre types to choose from. 

An MRL tyre price varies according to the sizes and types. The starting MRL tractor tyre price is Rs. 3500* and the highest tractor MRL tyre price is Rs. 45,000*. Farmers can learn more about MRL tyre prices on TractorGyan. 

MRL Tractor Tyres Features

An MRL tractor tyre comes from a trusted brand. These tyres are an ideal blend of durability and performance. Some key features that you can enjoy with an MRL tyre are as mentioned below. 

  • An MRL tyre is capable of performing on the field and the road with the same ease. 
  • The tread design of an MRL tyre is capable of self-cleaning. 
  • MRL tyres have less impact on soil fertility and can persevere the crops during operation. 
  • The unique resistant structure ensures that an MRL tyre has a longer life. 
  • An MRL tyre has a reduced vibration ability. 
  • Some models of MRL tyres come with special rim guard protecting features. 
  • MRL tyres are suitable for 2WD tractors and 4WD tractors. 

Popular Models of MRL Tractor Tyres

We have some leading MRL tyre 2025 models for your recommendations. 

1- MRL MRT 302 - M93- MLR MRT 302 - M93 tyre is available in 5.00-12 and 6.00-12 sizes. It’s a bias tyre with a deep lug design. These lugs have self-cleaning abilities. The MRL tractor tyre price is Rs. 3980 for 6.00-12 sizes. 
2- MRL MRT 329 - KIRTI- This tyre is suitable for 2WD and 4WD tractors and it’s available in multiple sizes. It’s a bias tyre and can operate without damaging the crops. Farmers can purchase this tyre at an affordable tractor MRL tyre price of Rs. 9990. This is the price for 8.3 - 20 sizes. 
3- MRL MRT 330 Rudra- If you’re looking for an affordable rear tyre then MRT 330 Rudra is the best ML tyre choice. It has multi-angled curved lug bars and a sturdy construction. According to the MRL tractor rear tyre price list on TractorGyan, the tractor MRL tyre price for 16.9-28 size is Rs. 37,800. 
4- MRL MRT 338 Kesari(Rear)- Strong casing, better penetration, and unique lug designs make this MRL tyre the right choice to make. The MRL tyre price for the 8.3-32 size of this model is Rs.14,800. 
5- MRL MTF 212 3- Rib- Designed for 2WD tractors, this MRL tyre is available in different sizes. It has a cut and crack-resistant tread compound. The MRL tractor tyre price for 9.00-16 size is Rs. 9980.                 

MRL Tractor Tyre Sizes

MRL offers an extensive range of tyres for 2WD and 4WD tractors. To make sure that farmers get an ideal MRL tractor tyre, this brand offers tyres in different sizes. 

The front and bias tyres from this brand are commonly available in sizes like 7.50-20, 6.00-19, 4.00-19, 7.50-18, 9.00-16, 14L-16.1, 11.00-16, 10.00-16, 7.50-16, 4.00-8, and 5.00-15. 

According to the size, the tractor MRL tyre price also varies. So, it’s important to check the MRL tractor tyre price list at TractorGyan according to the preferable sizes. 

MRL Tractor Tyre Price in India 

MRL is a trusted tyre brand in India and one key quality of its tyre is affordable pricing. According to the updated MRL tractor tyre price list at TractorGyan, the starting MRL tractor tyre price is Rs. 3500*. 

Based on the tyre model you’re purchasing and its sizes, this MRL tyre price can reach up to Rs. 45,000*. Farmers need to learn first to decide the type of tyre type and size. After that, they should check the MRL tractor tyre price online. 

Is MRL Tractor Tyre Best for Farming?  

MRL tyres have a wide range of features and capabilities that make them ideal for farming. For instance, these tyres have unique tread designs that provide better traction in all types of soils and farming conditions. 

These tyres are capable of operating with heavy loads and have strong sidewalks. The rear MRL tyres have better load-bearing capabilities. MRL tyres are designed to perform perfectly in all kinds of applications like ploughing, planting, and harvesting. 

MRL tractor tyres also can reduce soil compaction. This is why these tyres are ideal for preserving soil texture and fertility. 

Is MRL Tractor Tyre the Best for Tractor? 

MRL tractor tyres are compatible with 2WD and 4WD tractors. The brand offers bias and radial tyres in different sizes. The rear tractor tyres can do heavy load lifting. 

The front tyres from the MRL brand have better steering control. Both the front and rear tyres are also available at an economical tractor MRL tyre price.

MRL Tractor Front Tyre

MRL provides a wide range of front tyres in different sizes. Some leading ranges for front tyres are MTF 212 3-rib, MTF 221 2-rib, and MTF 257 Single rib. 

These front tyres have strong and sturdy body plies. They also have better steering control ability. The common MRL tractor front tyres are 5.00-15, 6.00-16DBG, 6.50-20, and 7.50-16. 

MRL Tractor Rear Tyre

MRL tractor rear tyres are available in different ranges. MRT 330 Rudra, MRT 338 Kesari, MRT 347 Mahaveer, and MRT 302 M93 are some of the ranges where rear tyres are available. 

Some MRL rear tyre sizes are 8.00-18, 14.9-28, 14.9-28, 16.9-28, 13.6-28, and 12.4-28. The MRL tractor rear tyre price list at TractorGyan can help you learn about the tractor tyre price of your preferred rear tyre. 

Why Choose Tractor Gyan to Buy the Best MRL Tractors Tyre? 

MRL tyres are compatible with 2WD and 4WD tractors. An MRL tyre has multiple qualities and a unique design. As MRL offers different tyres in different sizes, farmers need to learn about the best MRL tyre, leading MRL tyre 2025 models, and MRL tractor tyres price list. 

TractorGyan is a leading marketplace where farmers can learn about updated MRL tractor tyre prices for front & rear tyres. This platform also helps farmers compare different types of MRL tyre models and make wise decisions.