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Escorts Kubota Sold 5,472 Tractors in December 2024, Decline 10.8%

    Escorts Kubota Sold 5,472 Tractors in December 2024, Decline 10.8%

01 Jan, 2025

December 2024 wholesale tractor sales figures for Escorts Kubota Limited reflect their performance relative to December 2023. Here, we will see a detailed version.

Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales in December 2024: Domestic Wholesales Performance

Escorts Kubota sold 5,016 tractors in the domestic market in December 2024. It lags behind the 5,731 units sold in December 2023 by 12.5%. 

Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales from April to December 2024: Domestic Wholesale Performance

Between April and December 2024, Escorts Kubota sold 85,762 tractors. These statistics reflect a 0.5% increase as compared to 85,371 tractors sold from April to December 2023. 

Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales in December 2024: Export Wholesale Performance

Escorts Kubota exported 456 tractors in December 2024. Compared to 405 tractors exported in December 2023, these sales show a 12.6% increase.

Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales from April to December 2024: Export Wholesale Performance

From April to December 2024, Escorts Kubota exported 3,159 tractors. This is a 26.2% decline compared to 4,278 tractors exported from April to December 2023. 

Total Wholesale Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales for the Third Quarter (October - December 2024)

For the 3rd quarter (October-December 2024) of the financial year, Escorts Kubota sold 32,556 tractors. It shows a 4.5% increase from the sales of 31,155 tractors during the same period in 2023. 

Particulars Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales Q3 (October-December 2024)
 FY25 FY24 % Change
Domestic 31,585 29,784 6.0%
Export  971 1,371 -29.2%
Total  32,556 31,155 4.5%

Q- Quarter

Total Wholesale Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales in December 2024

When domestic and export figures are combined, in December 2024 total wholesale Escorts Kubota (Farmtrac tractor and Powertrac tractor) sales were 5,472 tractors, down 10.8% from the sales of 6,136 tractors in December 2023.

Particulars Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales December 2024
 FY25 FY24 % Change
Domestic 5,016 5,731 -12.5%
Export 456 405 12.6%
Total 5,472 6,136 -10.8%

FY- Financial Year from April to March 

Total Wholesale Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales for April to December 2024

From April to December 2024, Escorts Kubota sold 88,921 tractors in total, a decrease of 0.8% from the 89,649 tractors sold from April to December 2023. 

Even though the numbers go up and down, Escorts Kubota Limited really does have a strong hold on both the local and foreign tractor markets. 

Particulars  Escorts Kubota Tractor Sales (April-December 2024) (9M)
FY25 FY24 % Change
Domestic 85,762  85,371 0.5%
Export 3,159  4,278 -26.2%
Total 88,921 89,649 -0.8%

M- Month

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