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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 21/08/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 21/08/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 21/08/2020

ट्रैक्टरज्ञान आपके लिये लाया है कृषि जगत से जुड़ी आज की मुख्य खबरें!

21 Aug, 2020

1.SBI देगी भूमिहीन किसानों को 85 फीसदी तक लोन


वर्तमान में कोरोनावायरस के चलते देश के कई लाख लोगों से उनके रोजगार छिन गए हैं , तो वहीं कृषि भी इस दौर में प्रभावित हो रही है । ऐसे में स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा कृषि को बढ़ावा देने और रोजगार पैदा करने के लक्ष्य से लैंड परचेज स्कीम की शुरुआत की गई है । इस स्कीम के लिए ढाई एकड़ से कम जमीन वाले सभी किसान पात्र हैं । तो वहीं जिनके पास जमीन नहीं है वे भी इसका फायदा उठा सकते हैं । स्कीम के अंतर्गत किसानों को खेती योगय जमीन की 15 फीसदी राशि ही देनी होगी और बाकि का 85 फीसदी हिस्सा एसबीआई बैंक से लोन के रूप में मिल जाएगा । जिसे चुकाने के लिए आपको 10 साल का समय मिलेगा और लोन चुका देने के बाद जमीन पर किसानों को मालिकाना हक मिल जाएगा । स्कीम के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले सुनिश्चित कर लें कि आपके ऊपर पहले से कोई कर्ज बकाया ना हो । स्कीम की मदद से किसान अपनी जमीन को कृषि योग्य भूमि बना सकते हैं । तो वहीं अगर पहले से किसान के पास जमीन है तो बैंक एक साल का फ्री पीरियड भी देता है ।


2. हाइड्रोपोनिक तकनीक से खेती करने पर हर वर्ष होती है निवेश से दुगनी कमाई।


आधुनिक युग में खेती का विस्तार गांव से शहर की तरफ होना भी है, आज शहरों में लोग अपने घर की छतों पर, पार्किंग एरिया में या जहां भी खाली जमीन मिल जाए खेती कर रहें है। आपको शायद असमंजस हो की ये कैसे मुमकिन है, तो आपको बिना मिट्टी के खेती की ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें सिर्फ 200 वर्ग फुट जगह पर आसानी से फल - सब्जियां उगा सकते हैं। हाइड्रोपोनिक नामक इस तकनीक द्वारा पौधों को देने वाले जरूरी पोषक तत्वों को पानी की सहायता से सीधे पौधों की जड़ों तक पहुंचाया जाता है।

अगर आप इस तकनीक से फल या सब्जी उगाते है तो पैदावार 3 से 5 गुना अधिक होती है और उसकी कीमत बाज़ार में अधिक मिलती है साथ ही पानी , फर्टिलाइजर और कीटनाशक की खपत भी 50 से 80 फीसद तक कम लगने के कारण यह खर्चा भी कम हो जाता है। इसलिए आप इस तकनीक के लिए एक बार का 1 लाख रुपए का निवेश कर सालाना 2 लाख रुपए कमा सकते है। वैसे तो इस सिस्टम का खर्च वन टाइम है पर शेड के रखरखाव का खर्च लागत को बढ़ा सकता है। अच्छी उपज के लिए फसल पर तापमान, कीट जैसी कई बातों का भी प्रभाव पड़ सकता है ऐसी बातों की जानकारी आवश्यक है। इसी प्रकार अगर आप बाज़ार में मांग व कीमत की जानकारी रखते है तो यह व्यवसाय बहुत लाभदायक है।


3. Farmpal: A digital savior of farmers income from middlemen 

Farmpal Technologies Pvt. Ltd’s is a digital technology-driven integrated supply chain that helps farmers to sell their crops directly to Farmpal without the involvement of middlemen at their doorsteps. It helps the Indian farmers to get real value for their crops eliminating the involvement of middlemen who pocket around 80% value of the farmers' crops hence, improving the status of farmers in India.


Farmpal is currently connected with 1000+ farmers among which 400 farmers are their active supplier of crops. It provides 15-30% higher prices to the farmers than compared to prices they get in mandis and usually pay the farmers weekly via online bank transfers and cash on delivery in special conditions. There are Farmpal collection centers present within a 3-5 km radius of the farmers they work with, that informs the farmers about the quality and quantity of the products they are looking for hence, helping the farmers to plan their sowing, harvest and delivery cycles. It also helps the marginal farmers to diversify their products and reduce their dependence on high-risk crops. As well as it also provides the farmers with a comparison between Farmpal and Mandi prices to make the system more transparent and trustable.


Special features of Farmpal:  

It increases farmer’s earnings and improves their living status.

It reduces rural farm distress.


It informs farmers about the price they will get from Farmpal paid via a mobile app interface or through collection centers, and the price they will get at mandis helping them make a profitable decision.  

It also assures daily purchases to farmers of their produce.

Farmpal has helped farmers to get good prices for their products that they don't get at mandis even after spending high prices on transportation. It has also helped the farmers to increase the no. of crops from 2 to 4 a year by assuring them with the daily purchase of their produce.


4. Government Sanctions 1.22 crore Kisan Credit Card

In order to give financial relief to the farmers of the country, the central government again sanctioned 1.22 crore Kisan Credit Cards till 17 August. The credit limit of these KCC cards is ₹ 1,02,065 crores. 

Earlier also similar kind of assistance was given to the farmer community which had given benefit to about 2.5 crore farmers. The amount distributed was ₹ 2 lakh crores.

Documents required For Kisan Credit Card(KCC)

Aadhaar Card of farmers, Identity Card, Farmer’s Land details documents, Ground measles number, Passport size photo of the farmer, Mobile number, Photocopy of bank passbook. These are some of the important and basic documents that will be required for KCC.

Under PM Kisan Credit Card Yojna, only farmers are allowed to get their KCC. To obtain it you have to be in contact with your nearest bank as only banks have the right to avail KCC to you.

5. Follow these steps to check your status of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.


PM has started the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana under which the government gives farmers Rs.6,000 annually. Farmers get the whole money in 3 installments of 2k each. A few days back the PM  distributed Rs.17,000 crores to around 8 crore farmers. And if you want to check your status i.e. is your installment released or not? so follow the below steps:


Visit www.pmkisan.gov.in.

 Go to the 'farmers corner' on the homepage.

 Click on the 'beneficiary list'.

 Fill the required details there.

 Submit the details. And click on get report.

You can also ask your doubt regarding PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana and seek help through these contact details:

Helpline number:155261

Toll-free number:18001155266

Landline numbers:011-23381092 and 23382401

Other numbers:0120-6025109, 011-24300606



6. Niti Aayog panel recommends linking sugarcane prices to sugar rates


Sugarcane is a cash crop that requires large amounts of water and land to cultivate and it is accredited to make India the second-largest producer of sugar.  

A Niti Aayog task force has said that the linking sugarcane prices to sugar rates will keep the industry in sound financial health. It also recommended a one-time increase in minimum sugar price to Rs 33 per kilo to help sugar mills cover the cost of production.

The report said that the Revenue Sharing Formula (RSF) must be introduced, with a Price Stabilisation Fund to protect farmers from receiving prices below the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP). 

The task force noted that due to stagnation and declining sugar prices, the liquidity position of the mills has remained a major cause for concern, prompting the government to come out with various liquidity support measures from time to time.

It is proposed to impose taxes on sugar at Rs 50 per quintal for a period of 3 years, during which about Rs 4,500 crore would be added to the fund. Sugarcane and sugar play a significant role in the economy of India. India is an exporter of Sugarcane and also Sugar is the country's second-largest agro-based industry. The average annual production of sugarcane is around 35.5 crore tonnes which are used to produce around 3 crore tonnes of sugar.


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