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Nilgiri Tree Farming: The Smart Way to Grow Wealth and Eucalyptus Trees

    Nilgiri Tree Farming: The Smart Way to Grow Wealth and Eucalyptus Trees

19 Nov, 2024

Nilgiri tree farming is becoming a popular and profitable way of framing that is also good for the environment. Eucalyptus tree farming can make a lot of money and help the environment stay healthy. Nilgiri trees are popular for their drought tolerance, quick growth (4–5 years), and versatility. 

Farmers in arid and semi-arid areas in India profit from Nilgiri (Eucalyptus) plantations. As more people want its wood and oil, Nilgiri farming is becoming more popular among modern farmers. This article will discuss everything you need about Nilgiri tree farming.

Nilgiri Trees (Eucalyptus Trees): Overview

The Nilgiri tree, also called Eucalyptus, is native to Australia but has made India its second home because it can survive in a wide range of climates. Over 2 million hectares of land in India are used to grow Eucalyptus trees, which helps the rural economy and meets manufacturing needs.

Nilgiri trees (Nilgiri ka ped) belong to the botanical family of Myrtaceae. The British introduced Eucalyptus in India in 1843 in the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu for timber. Eucalyptus globulus (Blue Gum) is the major source of high-grade eucalyptus oil. 

Eucalyptus camaldulensis is adaptable to various soils and has a higher growth rate. The main commercial species are Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus tereticornis. Major Nilgiri tree-growing states are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka.

Depending on the species and plantation method, eucalyptus trees can attain a height of 10m to 60m with a thick stem. Over the centuries, they have been used extensively in Indian, Chinese, Greek, and European medicines.

How Much Can You Earn from Nilgiri Tree Farming?

In 2023, the global market for Nilgiri wood was worth about $140 million. This number is likely to keep going up. In June 2024, the cost of Eucalyptus hardwood was 900 Rs/QTL and the cost of peelable eucalyptus was 1140 Rs/QTL. 

The current rate of Eucalyptus wood for 1 ton is around 11000 to 12000 Rs/ton. Almost 1200 ton of hardwood can be obtained from 1 hectare of land. So, farmers can easily make 80 to 90 lakhs to one crore (after deducting the expenses) by selling these trees after harvest.

Why Should Farmers Choose Nilgiri Tree Farming?

why should farmer choose nilgiri tree farming

  • Quick Returns: Nilgiri trees grow much faster than many other types, and they can be harvested in 5–7 years. This shorter maturity time means that money will be made faster.

  • More Demand: Eucalyptus wood is very popular in furniture and paper businesses. Its oil, which is used in many products, including medicines, cosmetics, and massage, creates steady market demand.

  • Sustainable Choice: Nilgiri trees are a great choice for farming! They help prevent soil erosion, attract rain, and do a fantastic job of absorbing carbon dioxide.

  • Low Maintenance: After they’re set up, Nilgiri trees require minimal care, which helps reduce the overall farming costs.

Key Considerations for Nilgiri Tree Farming 

essential tips for nilgiri tree farming

Consider the following points before and during Nilgiri cultivation. These points will help you expect sustainable production, which will result in good returns. 

Choosing the Right Land and Climate for Nilgiri Tree Farming

Nilgiri trees prefer a pH range of 5.5 to 7. The soil should drain well and be quite sandy. The best places for Nilgiri tree farming get about 800 to 3000 mm of rain a year. A temperature between 20°C and 40°C is favorable for growing and harvesting Eucalyptus trees. The best time to sow the trees is between June to October. 

  • Get rid of all the weeds on the land and prepare it with organic manure.

  • Keep the distance between plants at 3m x 3m for best growth.

  • Drip irrigation is a good way to save water.

Choose Nilgiri Tree Varieties With a High Yield

Choose hybrid types, such as Eucalyptus hybrid clones or Eucalyptus tereticornis, because they grow faster and are less likely to contract diseases. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, FRI 4 and FRI 6, Eucalyptus globules, and Eucalyptus citriodora are other major varieties.

How to Do Maintenance of Nilgiri Trees?

  • Regular trimming keeps plants healthy.

  • For better yield, use pesticides twice a year.

  • Use organic pesticides to keep bugs like termites and caterpillars away from the farm.

Major Challenges in Nilgiri Tree Farming and Their Solutions

  • People often say that eucalyptus trees use up fresh water. Studies, on the other hand, show that these effects can be lessened by controlled watering and smart planting.

  • The cost of eucalyptus goods can change based on the demand in the industry. Having different ways to make money, like selling eucalyptus or Nilgiri oil, can help keep profits stable.

  • Leaf blight and termite infestation are two common threats. Stem canker can also affect overall production. These problems can be addressed by regular monitoring and using organic pesticides.

Rising Demand for Nilgiri Farming in India

Nilgiri tree by-products are likely to become much more popular as the need for paper, furniture, and green energy grows. The Indian government supports agroforestry with programs like the Sub-Mission on Agroforestry (SMAF), which gives people money to grow trees. 

Hybrid Nilgiri trees and precise farming methods are making the business more profitable and long-lasting. Here are a few suggestions on how to grow Nilgiri trees well and earn a handsome profit from Nilgiri tree farming. 

  • For a better output, spend money on good saplings.

  • Pick land that gets the right amount of rain and has good soil.

  • Use eco-friendly methods like drip watering and natural pest control.

  • Diversify your income by getting into the oil and wood markets.

  • Always know what's going on in the market and about government policies and subsidies.

Nilgiri Tree Farming: Invest in a Wealthy Business

Nilgiri tree farming is a smart way to make money. It's good for both farms and the environment as Eucalyptus trees can make a lot of money, meet various market needs, and protect the environment. You can get the most out of Nilgiri tree farming if you follow best practices and stay informed.

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Recently Asked Question about Nilgiri Tree Farming: The Smart Way to Grow Wealth and Eucalyptus Trees

What are Nilgiri trees?

The Nilgiri tree is a fast-growing drought-resistant tree and native to Australia, widely cultivated in India for wood and oil.

What is the common name of Nilgiri trees?

Nilgiri trees also known as Eucalyptus trees.

What type of soil is best for Nilgiri tree farming?

Nilgiri trees prefer well-drained sandy soil and prefer a pH range of 5.5 to 7.

What is the maturity period for Nilgiri trees?

Nilgiri trees (Eucalyptus trees) grow quicker than most other types and can be ready for harvest in just 5 to 7 years.

How much can farmers earn from 1 hectare of Nilgiri trees?

Farmers can get 80 lakhs to 1 crore per hectare.

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