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Explore 10 Largest Wheat Producing States in India

    Explore 10 Largest Wheat Producing States in India

24 Nov, 2024

In this Blog, we see the 10 largest wheat producing states in india but before that let's understand some important points about wheat production.

Wheat is a subtropical crop grown in India during the winter season as part of the Rabi crop cycle. It is the second most important crop in India after paddy covering about 13% of the country's total cropped area.

Indian Farmers sow wheat seeds from October to December and harvest the crop between March and April. To prepare for wheat cultivation, farmers plough and level the soil, then prepare seed beds. They sow the seeds using traditional methods or modern machines.

The two major wheat-growing regions in India are Ganga-Satluj plains in the northwest and the black soil region of the Deccan Plateau. largest producers of wheat in india include Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana.

Top 10 Wheat Producing States in India in 2024 are as follows:

The highest wheat producing states in India list is based on the 2023-24 Estimate Data.

  1. Uttar Pradesh: Uttar Pradesh ranked first in wheat producing states in india, producing 35.34 million tonnes in 9.53 million hectares. The yield in this state is 3708 kg per hectare.

  2. Madhya Pradesh: The second position secured by Madhya Pradesh state which produces 22.58 million tonnes of wheat across 7.50 million hectares and with a yield of 3012 kg per hectare.

  3. Punjab: The third largest producer of wheat in india is Punjab. Punjab, with its yield of 5045 kg per hectare, produces 17.74 million tonnes of wheat on 3.52 million hectares.

  4. Haryana: Haryana occupied fourth position in wheat producing states in india. This state generates 11.19 million tonnes of wheat from 2.37 million hectares, with a yield of 4723 kg per hectare.

  5.  Rajasthan: Rajasthan is the 5th highest wheat producing state in India. Rajasthan produces 9.70 million tonnes of wheat on 2.74 million hectares, yielding 3540 kg per hectare.

state wise wheat production in india

  1. Bihar: Bihar got sixth place in wheat production. This state wheat production stands at 7.17 million tonnes, grown on 2.28 million hectares, with a yield of 3150 kg per hectare.

  2. Gujarat: Gujarat ranks 7th in the largest wheat producing state in india. Gujarat produces 3.77 million tonnes of wheat in 1.25 million hectares with a yield of 3027 kg per hectare.

  3. Maharashtra: 8th highest wheat producing state in india is Maharastra. Its wheat production is 1.99 million tonnes from 1.05 million hectares, with a yield of 1899 kg per hectare.

  4. Uttarakhand: Uttarakhand ranks 9th in the list of largest producer of wheat in india. Uttarakhand produces 0.87 million tonnes of wheat on 0.27 million hectares, with a yield of 3244 kg per hectare.

  5. Himachal Pradesh: After occupying the 10th position in the largest wheat producing state in india, Himachal Pradesh yields 0.79 million tonnes of wheat on 0.32 million hectares, with a yield of 2480 kg per hectare.

Importance of Wheat in India is:

  • As a winter crop, wheat uses residual soil moisture effectively. It fits well into India’s agricultural cycle.

  • Surplus wheat production enables India to contribute to global markets and earn foreign exchange.

  • Wheat cultivation employs millions, especially in rural areas. It supports livelihoods and reduces poverty.

  • Wheat is deeply rooted in Indian cuisine and traditions and is used in various dishes and celebrations.

  • Wheat is the second most important staple food grain in India which provides a large portion of daily calories, especially in the northern and northwestern states.

  • Wheat is rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, and iron. It makes it important for health and nutrition.

Factors Influencing Wheat Production in India

  • Wheat is a temperate crop that grows best in a cold season. While high temperatures could harm the crop, especially in central and eastern India.

  • Uncertain rainfall can easily affect the availability of irrigation water and impact the overall productivity of Wheat.

  • There are also non-climatic factors that affect wheat production in India such as the availability of tractors, tube wells, fertilizers, and areas dedicated to wheat cultivation that affect the yield.

  • Wheat productivity is affected by farmers' lack of awareness about resources, agricultural education, and government support.

  • Pests, diseases, and weeds can damage crops and reduce production.

Challenges Faced by Wheat Farmers in India

  • Continuous wheat production depletes soil nutrients, reducing soil fertility and wheat productivity.

  • Many farmers still follow traditional agricultural practices and do not have access to modern machinery. It limits their efficiency and productivity.

  • Many wheat farmers struggle to obtain loans or financial assistance from banks and government schemes, which limits their ability to purchase necessary inputs.

In this blog we talked about the largest wheat producing state in india & Wheat production in India reflects a balance between traditional farming practices and modern technologies, reflecting how the country adapts and advances in agriculture. It is important to focus on sustainable farming practices, strong policies, and the use of new technologies.

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Recently Asked Question about Explore 10 Largest Wheat Producing States in India

What are the top wheat producing states in India 2025?

Top wheat producing states in India 2025 are Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh.

Which state is the largest producer of wheat in India 2025?

Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of wheat in India 2025.

Which state ranks 2nd in wheat production in India?

Madhya Pradesh is the second-highest wheat producing state in India.

Which state has the highest wheat yield per hectare in India?

Punjab has the highest yield of 5045 kg per hectare.

Which are the two major wheat-growing regions in India?

The two major wheat-growing regions are the Ganga-Satluj plains in the northwest and the black soil region of the Deccan Plateau.

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