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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 03/07/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 03/07/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 03/07/2020

ट्रैक्टरज्ञान आपके लिये लाया है कृषि जगत से जुड़ी आज की मुख्य खबरें!

06 Jul, 2020

1.धान की 6 नई उन्नत किस्में देंगी बेहतर उत्पादन

भारतीय चावल अनुसंधान द्वारा धान की 6 नई किसमे विकसित की गई हैं जिनमे पोषक तत्वों की दोगुनी मात्रा पाई जाती है। वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार जिंक मानव स्वास्थ्य में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण रोल निभाता है । यह इम्यूनिटी सिस्टम को मजबूत करता है एवं गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए लाभदायक बताया गया है । भारत में 30% लोग जिंक की कमी से प्रभावित है । धान की इन नई किस्मों से अब 58% तक जिंक मिल सकने का दावा है । 

डीआरआर धान 45 

डीआर धान 49

सिआर धान 310 

सिआर धान 311 

जिंक ओ राइस

सी जी जेड आर 

नाम की इन किस्मों की खासियत है कि यह शरीर में जिंक की कमी को दूर करती हैं इसमें अन्य किस्मों के मुकाबले 23 पीपीएम अधिक जिंक होता है । साथ ही इन्हें बोने से उत्पादकता में भी बढ़ोतरी होगी । इन क़िस्मों की बुवाई के लिए आप अपने क्षेत्र की निजी बीज कंपनियों से संपर्क कर सकते हैं ।


2.Bee turns out to be the saviour for Environment.

New Delhi Municipal Council(NDMC) is trying to increase the bees population in Delhi as they are one of the prime carriers of pollen grains from flowers to flowers. And for this purpose, NDMC has created a team-leading by Mr.D Chellaih. Under his guidance, the horticulture team has planted Bougainvillea, Bauhinia, Erythrina and other flowering plants in parts of NDMC region. An upward curve has seen in the bee population in New Delhi during the lockdown and NDMC think so that this is because of the 55,000 exotic flowering species like Tulips, Hyacinth lily, Oriental lily, Asiatic lily and Calla lily planted by them in Lodhi Garden, Nehru Park, Talktora Garden, Shanthi Path, etc.

The horticulture team is also paying attention to the tree's health. They have performed several tree surgeries of about 2000 trees to protect them from pests and fungi. In surgeries, they have treated the hollow space in trees by clearing it all and spraying it with pesticides and fungicides then they fill the space with chicken mesh and a pop-cement mixture of 70:30 ratio. After the surgery, the tree can grow again naturally.

Bees can really solve the issue of environmental pollution and they can help you nourish nature.


3.Even the Coronavirus pandemic wasn't able to stop Nandini from taking care of their workers.

Lockdown came with a lot of problems for dairy industries. Nandini being one of the biggest dairy industries also faced such problems which they weren’t even prepared for but with their quick response they smartly faced these problems and conquered this pandemic.

Here are some of the problems faced by Nandini and how they handled them:

Shortage of labour and lack of transport facilities-

Lockdown resulted in lack of transport facilities and consequently there was a shortage of labour. To solve this issue Nandini decided to turn their offices into temporary homes for their workers and made sure that they have hygienic and proper conditions to live. As well as they persuaded their workers by increasing their payment and by practicing hygienic conditions in the plant to ensure their safety and maintain hygiene in plant.

Overabundance of milk-

One of the biggest problems to deal with was overabundance of milk as the demand of milk suddenly decreased from 68 to 47 lakh liters in just 48 hours. To deal with this problem they decided to increase the production of milk powder but they only had the capacity to turn 16 lakh liters of milk into milk powder.

Hence there was still a lot of milk left and this is when Karnataka’s government helped them by buying 7 lakh litres of milk daily to distribute them free of cost to migrant workers and people with low incomes. But it still left some amount of excess milk and this is when they decided to restore one of their milk powder manufacturing plants and increase the capacity of milk manufacturing. This is how they were able to conquer this problem.

Shortage of packing supply-

To solve this issue they turned to Union Home Ministry and Union Home Ministry with the support of district authorities made sure that there is proper supply of packaging stuff and solved this issue.

And this is how Nandini was able win their battle against COVID-19 and was able to ensure their workers safety and job during this pandemic.

According to Kulkarni even after the lockdown was lifted there was only 8% of increase in the demand in June but it is hoped that with time the things will get back to normal.

According to MD of KMF this pandemic also had some positive side as it taught farmers to start cashless transactions and workers to practice more hygienic practices.


4.गन्ने में पोक्का बोइंग का कहर बढ़ने से किसान चिंतित

गन्ने में हो रही पोका बोइंग बीमारी, किसानों की चिंता बढ़ी।

गन्ने की फसल पोका बोइंग बीमारी की शिकार होने लगी है।इस बीमारी में पत्ती पीली पड़ती है और ऐंठने लगती है।इस बीमारी के कारण पूरी फसल बर्बाद हो सकती है ऐसे में किसानों की चिंता बढ़ गई है,लोकडाउन और पिछले वर्ष के गन्ने मूल्य के भुगतान ना होने से वे पहले ही परेशान है।

सहायक विकास अधिकारी कृषि रक्षा वीरेन्द्र कुमार पाण्डेय ने इस बाबत बताया कि गन्ने की फसल में पोका बोइंग बीमारी से जुड़ी शिकायतें उन्हें मिल रही है।उनका कहना अगर बीमारी के शुरुआती दौर में ही बचाव कर लें तो फसल को बचा सकते है,ज्यादा देर हुई तो कोई रोकथाम संभव ना होगी। एक एकड़ में अभी 300 से 500 कुंटल गन्ने की पैदावार होती है,बीमारी पर  रोकथाम कर लें तो भी 200 से 300 कुंटल की ही पैदावार होगी पर ध्यान ना देने पर पूरी फसल बर्बाद हो जाएगी।

बीमारी से बचाव हेतु वीरेन्द्र कुमार पाण्डेय ने निम्न दवाएं बताई है- थायोफिनिट मिथाइल (प्रति एकड़ उपज के लिए 250-300 ग्राम),कार्वेडाजिम प्लस मैनकोजेब (प्रति एकड़ 500 ग्राम),कापर आक्सीराइड (प्रति एकड़ 250 ग्राम) जिन्हें 250 से 300 लीटर पानी में मिलाकर छिड़काव करना होगा।


5.Important points to establish organic farm

Organic farming is one of the latest growing trends that is actually environmental friendly otherwise most of our recent activities directly or indirectly are not favouring the environment conservation. It is a matter of pride that India ranked top in terms of the number of people involved in organic farming. Also, Sikkim became the first state in India which is completely converted its farming into organic farming.

Organic Farming is a type of farming that makes the use of organic things like plant waste, animal waste, organic manure, etc. This type of farming conserves the fertility of the soil and reduces soil erosion. Moreover, due to the use of organic manure, the cultivated crop is full of nutrients as compared to that of conventional crops that are brought up by using chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

There are some factors that are very prominent for someone who wants to do organic farming. 

One should go through the basics of organic farming before trying hands on it. This can be achieved by taking part in training, meeting the person who is directly connected to organic farming, the internet, etc.

Attention plays a crucial role in organic farming as it requires little more concern and attention compared to conventional farming. Every crop type has different needs and you must work accordingly. 

Preparation of the soil is yet another factor that one should keep in mind. Organic farming is known for its nutrients and toxicity free nature. Therefore, the soil should be prepared in a manner that is a mixture of compost, leaf, grass, manure etc.

Market analysis is very important to have stability and success in your venture. Hence you must notice the type of consumers you are going to serve.

Adequate use of land should be done in order to produce more in less input.

Location for doing organic farming should be chosen with a deep thought as it should have a water source present in its area so that irrigation can take place conveniently. Also, the place should be close to the market place that will reduce the cost of transportation and saves your time and energy.

One should have good networking and connections with the people involved in the same field in order to have proper monitoring from time to time. You should also have patience and optimistic view because it is a slow process and requires your daily interference.

So, one should keep all these points in minds while establishing organic farms.


6.Crop Insurance Scenario in Kerela

Kerela has always been prone to floods and heavy rainfalls which has prompted farmers to go for crop insurance. Crop Insurance schemes are implemented by the central and state governments in collaboration with PSU insurance companies. About 55000 farmers have enrolled for crop insurance and to further increase the reach Crop Insurance is being held in different districts from 1st of July to 15th July. Farmers were informed that 27 different varieties of crops can be insured under the scheme. A farmer having at least 10 coconut trees can insure his trees at Rupees 2 per year and Rupees 5 per three years. The government is taking initiatives to include even natural disasters like wind damage which will eventually help banana growers. Also, a compensation of Rupees 2000 per coconut tree and Rupees 200 per palm tree will be provided in case of loss due to natural disaster. Palm trees can be insured at 1 rupee per year and 2 rupees for three years. Farmers who have at least 10 cents of cultivable land can insure their paddy cultivation at rupees 25 percent.


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