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The link between agriculture and climate change: What farmers need to know

    The link between agriculture and climate change: What farmers need to know

17 Jan, 2025

Agriculture contributes to climate change and is also equally affected by climate change. Climate change is one of the many pressures on agriculture. Food is a basic human need, and a healthy diet is key component of our health and well-being. A complex and increasingly globalised production and delivery system has developed over time to meet our need for food. 

Contribution of Agriculture to Climate Change

Farming releases significant amounts of methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gases. Methane is produced by livestock during digestion due to enteric fermentation and is released via belches. Greenhouse gas emissions, livestock, and fodder production each generate more than 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Effect of Climate Change on Agriculture

Crops need good soil, water, sunlight, and heat to grow. Warmer air temperatures affect the length of the growing season. Flowering and harvest dates for cereal crops are now happening several days earlier in the season. These changes are expected to continue in many regions. Due to extreme heat and water stress in the summer months, some summer crops are cultivated in winter instead. 

Changes in temperatures and growing seasons affect the proliferation and the spreading of some species, which might, affect crop yields. A part of the potential yield losses is farming practices, such as rotating crops to match water availability, adjusting sowing dates to temperature and rainfall patterns, and using crop varieties better suited to new conditions.

Global Market, Global Demand, Global Warming

It is clear that the world will need to produce more food and that key resources are limited. Agriculture has a high impact on the environment and the climate. Moreover, climate change affects and will continue to affect how much food can be produced and where.

Producing more food out of the land that is already used for agriculture often requires heavier use of nitrogen-based fertilizers, which in turn release nitrous oxide emissions and contribute to climate change. Intensive agriculture and fertilizer use also release nitrates into the soil and water bodies. 

The global competition for these essential resources, especially with the uncertain impacts of climate change, is driving developed countries to purchase large patches of agricultural land in less-developed countries. Such land purchases and climate change impacts raise questions about food security in developing countries in particular.

High concentrations of nutrients in water bodies also cause eutrophication. Eutrophication causes algae growth and depletes oxygen in the water, which in turn has severe impacts on aquatic life and water quality. Conversion of forest areas into agricultural land is also not a solution, as this process is a source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Top 8 Measures Farmers Can Adopt to Combat Climate Change

1. Crop/livestock diversification:

Planting multiple crops and rearing different livestock helps reduce climate risk for farmers. Diversification prevents crop failures, soil health issues, and pests. Farmers are testing new crop kinds for shifting climates and finding niche markets for special livestock breeds.

2. Precision farming:

Precision agriculture uses GPS-guided tractors and drones to optimize water and fertilizer consumption. Weather forecasts and soil analysis help farmers plan planting, irrigating, and harvesting, decreasing waste and increasing efficiency.  

3. Agriculture sustainability:

Conservation tillage, crop rotation, and cover cropping capture carbon improve soil health, and save water. Sustainable agricultural practices conserve biodiversity, which is essential for climate-resilient ecosystems.  

4. Irrigation efficiency:

Farmers are using innovative irrigation methods to maximize water supplies as they become scarcer and more unpredictable. Farmers use drip irrigation, rainwater collection, and soil moisture monitors to better manage water.

5. Weather prediction:

Farmers need precise weather forecasts to make decisions. Climate change uncertainty has boosted the need for localized and dependable weather information. Farmers use weather apps and services for real-time data and long-term forecasts tailored to their areas.

6. Climate-resilient crops:

Climate-resilient crop types are being developed to tolerate severe temperatures, droughts, and other climate pressures. These new types boost yields and reduce pesticide and synthetic fertilizer use. 

7. Knowledge-sharing networks:

Farmers join local and global networks to share adaptability information, experiences, and best practices. These networks provide farmers with climate information, financial support, and technical expertise.  

8. Utilizing farmland:

Many farmers use crop rotation, intercropping, and high-yield crop varieties. Land use optimization and reduced deforestation and expansion can boost farmer yields. This helps meet rising food demand and preserve ecosystems.

Government Initiatives for Reducing the Impact of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture

The Indian government has plans to make agriculture more climate-resilient. The National Action Plan on Climate Change includes the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). The mission intends to develop and implement climate-resilient Indian agriculture policies. In 2011, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, launched "National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture."

This flagship network research project aims to address climate change-related food production challenges. The project develops and promotes climate-resilient agriculture technologies for vulnerable areas of the country, helping regions prone to extreme weather conditions like droughts, floods, frost, heat waves, etc. Agriculture, horticulture and cattle rearing is the focus of national adaptation and mitigation research projects.


Food security is not only a matter of producing sufficient quantities of food but also of having access to food of sufficient nutritional value. This complex problem requires a coherent and integrated policy approach to climate change, energy, and food security.

We need to increase yields while reducing our dependence on agrochemicals, reduce food waste, and reduce our consumption of resource-intensive and greenhouse gas-intensive foods such as meat.

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