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5 Popular Mahindra Mini Tractors Price List

    5 Popular Mahindra Mini Tractors Price List

17 Dec, 2024

People love Mahindra mini tractors because they are flexible, fuel efficient, and built to last. This makes them a great choice for small to medium-sized farms. Not only are these tractors small, but they are also packed with high-tech features that make sure they work well in narrow areas and on hilly terrain. We'll look at 5 popular Mahindra mini tractors and give you information on their prices and technical specs to help you choose the best one for your farming needs.

5 Popular Mahindra Mini Tractors in India

popular mahindra mini tractors price list

Here is a list of 5 popular Mahindra mini tractors with their technical specifications and price:

1. Mahindra Jivo 245 DI 4WD

mahindra jivo 245 di 4wd

Mahindra Jivo 245 DI 4WD is a strong small tractor made for farming in narrow and hilly places. It's perfect for working on different types of land. The Mahindra Jivo 245 DI 4WD price lies between Rs. 4.64 - 5.05 Lakh*.

Technical Specifications of Mahindra Jivo 245 DI 4WD

  • 24 HP of engine power with two cylinders that perform consistently.

  • 8 forward gears and 4 reverse gears let you change the speed easily.

  • The hydraulics can lift up to 750 kg, which means it can be used with different implements.

  • The dimensions of the front tyres are 6.00 x 14, and that of the rear tyres are 8.30 x 24.

  • It has advanced 4WD and power steering for better grip on rough roads.

  • It comes with a 5-year warranty. 

  • Its oil-immersed brakes give proper control on slippery ground. 

2. Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT

mahindra yuvraj 215 nxt

Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT is a small, inexpensive tractor. It is great for small farms and orchards. Its body is light, which makes it easy to move around in small areas. The price range for the Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT is Rs 3.05 to 3.25 lakh*.

Technical Specifications of Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT

  • 15 HP of engine power

  • Water-cooled engine with one cylinder.

  • 6 forward gears and 3 reverse gears make it easy to control the speed.

  • Its ADDC hydraulics can lift up to 778 kg of weight.

  • Front tyres are 5.20 x 14.8, and rear tyres are 8.00 x 18.

  • Ergonomic design to make the operation comfortable.

  • 1-year warranty.

  • Dry disc brakes and mechanical steering.

3. Mahindra Jivo 225 DI

mahindra jivo 225 di

The Mahindra Jivo 225 DI is a great choice for farmers who want a small tractor that can do different tasks. It is great for orchards and vineyards because it is long-lasting and has advanced features. The price of Mahindra Jivo 225 DI starts from Rs. 4.15 to 4.35 lakh* in India.

Technical Specifications of Mahindra Jivo 225 DI

  • 20 HP engine power with a 2-cylinder engine that is fuel efficient.

  • It has 8 forward gears and 4 reverse gears with sliding mesh transmission.

  • 750 kg lifting capacity for a range of farming tasks.

  • Front tyres are 5.20 x 14, and rear tyres are 8.30 x 24.

  • Its maximum forward speed is 25 kmph.

  • Multi-speed PTO with 18.4 HP PTO power.

  • 5-year warranty. 

4. Mahindra Oja 2121

mahindra oja 2121

This small tractor, the Mahindra Oja 2121, has a new and cutting-edge design. It has both modern technology and a small size, which makes it very productive. The price range for Mahindra Oja 2121 lies between Rs. 4.55 to ₹4.75 lakh*.

Technical Specifications of Mahindra Oja 2121

  • 21 HP of engine power

  • Three-cylinder engine that delivers 15.7 kW power.

  • Constant mesh with synchro shuttle transmission with 12 forward gears and 12 backward gears for the most control.

  • 950 kg lifting capacity.

  • It comes with a 6-year warranty.

  • It has tilt and telescopic power steering for better control.

  • GPS track live location and diesel monitoring features are also included in this tractor.

5. Mahindra Jivo 305 DI Vineyard 4WD

mahindra jivo 305 di vineyard 4wd

The Mahindra Jivo 305 DI Vineyard 4WD is precision-built and easy to use, making it perfect for fieldwork. Because it's small, it only does a little damage to crops in short rows. The price of Mahindra Jivo 305 DI 4WD is between Rs. 5.50 - 5.68 lakh*.

Technical Specifications of Mahindra Jivo 305 DI

  • 24.5 HP of engine power

  • Its engine comes with 2 cylinders for best performance.

  • It has 8 forward gears and 4 backward gears.

  • It comes with a 5-year warranty.

  • It can lift up to 750 kg of weight.

  • Advanced 4WD makes it easy for the driver to use it.

  • It has power steering.

  • Its narrow tyres are best for work in vineyards.

Best 5 Mahindra Mini Tractor Price List

S.No. Tractor Model HP Price
1 Mahindra Jivo 245 DI 4WD 24 Rs. 4.64 - 5.05 lakh*
2 Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT 15 Rs 3.05 - 3.25 lakh*
3 Mahindra Jivo 225 DI 20 Rs. 4.15 - 4.35 lakh*
4 Mahindra Oja 2121 21 Rs. 4.55 - 4.75 lakh*
5 Mahindra Jivo 305 DI Vineyard 4WD 24.5 Rs. 5.50 - 5.68 lakh*


Mahindra mini tractors are great for farmers who need small tractors that can still do a good job. Each model has features that are designed to meet the needs of different types of farms, such as orchards, vineyards, and narrow fields.

Because of the price range, modern technology, and strong construction, they are a great buy for small farmers. Since Mahindra is dedicated to quality and performance, these mini tractors are a great deal that will help farms be more productive and efficient.

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