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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 01/07/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 01/07/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 01/07/2020

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01 Jul, 2020

1.Dairy brands conquer the Coronavirus pandemic with the help of its advanced technologies.

The pandemic of Coronavirus led to loss of so many retailers as they weren’t able to continue the production or supply of their products. But still there are few dairy brands that were able to conquer this pandemic with the help of its advanced technology. Here are the examples of few of them-

The case of Amul –


Amul is the largest dairy brand that captures milk from almost 3.6 million spread across 18700 villages of Gujarat with more than one million retail points was successfully able to continue its production and fulfill the demands of its consumers with the help of its advanced technology.


As from capturing the milk to reaching its customers Amul’s production is totally based on technology which makes it impossible to strive in the dairy industry without the help of technology. Not only in production but its modern servers, smart analytical tools and software like SAP help it in various ways like tracking the milk supply chain, managing the company resources and its supply chain, paying the farmers and in many other ways. And it is still looking forward to investing in artificial intelligence to make things more advanced.


The case of Nandini and Mother Dairy  –


Nandini, the second largest dairy brand in India, is still in the middle of adopting totally automated  milk processing units. They are looking forward to adopting ERP technology in Karnataka Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation and its units. With its annual turnover of 14000 crore some of its units are still working on their own softwares while some are adopting new ones.


Benglauru / Hyderabad: When the Centre announced nationwide lockdown in the last week of March to contain the spread of Covid-19, it left several retailers engaged in the supply of essential items nervous.


Mother Dairy being the other subsidiary of KMF has also adopted cloud-based ERP. Its fully automated production unit with Siemens Technology helps to maintain its supply and production even in hard times like Coronavirus pandemic.


The case of Heritage foods -

Heritage foods is a private dairy brand in Hyderabad that is based on IBM infrastructure and is also looking forward to advancing its technology. According to its executive director Brahmani Nara software like SAP eases the milk supply chain as well as it makes the process of payments simple and easy. She also said that technology is the backbone of this industry as it makes it everything from tracking of supply chain to payments easier.


2. NDDB headed their ways towards 'Pashu Ayurveda'.

The National Dairy Development Board(NDDB) has come up with a thought of using Pashu Ayurveda or ethno-veterinary drugs to avoid the spread of zoonotic disease in India. Government has formed a committee headed by Dilip Rath to take care of issues such as Mastitis, zoonotic disease and Antimicrobial resistance(AMR) As in such serious conditions like COVID we are in no state to get attacked by another infectious disease. More than half of Indian livestock consists of Buffaloes and Cattle which kind of appears as a catalyst for zoonotic diseases. A better treatment method is necessary to decrease the chances of humans to get infected by a disease like rabies, bird flu, bovine tuberculosis and corona which have an animal origin.


Pashu Ayurveda or ethno-veterinary seems to be the best solution for now as the pilot project at Sabarkantha Milk Union where animal diseases are treated with locally made EVM has been successful.


3.E-Kisaan Dhan App



The government of India is focusing a lot on making a digital India which is very important at the same time very appreciative. In the same respect, the HDFC has taken a great initiative by the launching 'e-Kisaan Dhan' app for the farmers all over the nation. 


Today also many farmers face the problem of standing in a queue to have their work done whether it is related to the loan, insurance, seeds etc. The problem is now solved as the 'e-Kisaan Dhan' app of HDFC will provide latest farming news, weather forecast updates, information related to seed varieties, mandi prices, e-pashuhaat, kisan TV and many more. The app is currently available in the English language but later it will be available in various regional languages also.


Therefore, farmers will be able to know everything on just one click by sitting comfortably at their homes. The app will help them to know more about things from which they used to unaware. Hence, the initiative will ease their living and reduces their problem to a great extent.

4. Indian marine fish landings rise marginally in 2019



The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute was established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Their research contributed significantly to India’s marine fisheries development. The latest annual report by CMFRI showed that Tamil Nadu is on the top with 7.75 lakh tonnes of marine fish landings. the second position is backed by Gujarat with 7,49 tonnes of marine fish landings. Gujarat was at the first position in the previous report and the reasons for the decline are being researched. Kerela has maintained its third position in this report as well by has shown a rise of 2.1% as in 2019 the marine fish landings were 3.56 million and now it has risen to 5.44 lakh tonnes. Reports show that other states like West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, and Karnataka have shown growth in their marine fish landings.  The report also states that the cyclones in the previous year have been the main reason for the decline in marine fish landings.


5.टिड्डी दलों से फसलों को बचाने के लिए ड्रोन के इस्तेमाल पर मिली मंजूरी।

भारत में पश्चिम से आने वाले टिड्डी दलों ने पिछले कुछ दिनों से कहर मचा रखा है, टिड्डी दल बड़े स्तर पर फसल चट्ट कर जाते है जिससे किसानों को बड़ा नुक़सान होता है। टिड्डी दल पिछले देढ़ वर्ष से देश में आ रहे है मगर हाल ही में इनके हमलों ने तेज़ी पकड़ी है जिसे देखते हुए कृषि विभाग ने ड्रोन कि मदद से इनसे निपटने का फैसला किया है।इसी बाबत कृषि मंत्रालय ने ड्रोन से इन पर नज़र रखने पर डीजीसीए से अनुमति मांगी थी जिसे अब मंजूरी भी मिल गई है।

आज कृषि विभाग 12 ड्रोन का उपयोग कर रहा है और इस मंजूरी से अब 13 ड्रोन और बड़ जाएंगे।असल में कृषि विभाग ने रात में बैटरी वाले ड्रोन की जगह इंजन से चलने वाले ड्रोन कि अनुमति मांगी थी।इस स्वीकृति के बाद अब ड्रोन 25 किलोग्राम की तुलना में 50 किलोग्राम वजनी सामान लेकर तीन गुना अधिक उड़ान भर सकेंगें।

बता दें राजस्थान के बाड़मेर,जैसलमेर व बीकानेर जैसे जिलों में टिड्डीयों ने करोड़ों रुपए की फसलों को बर्बाद किया है और अब यूपी के अलीगढ़,बदायूं व कानपुर जिलों में कहर मचा रहे है। ऐसे में यह एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम बन जाता है।


6.80 करोड़ लोगों को मुफ्त खाद्यान

29 जून को प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा राष्ट्र को किए गए संबोधन में गरीबों मजदूरों एवं किसानों के हित में सरकार द्वारा शुरू की जाने वाली गरीब कल्याण योजना की जानकारी दी गई । पिछले 3 महीनों में, 20 करोड़ ग्रामीण परिवारों के खातों में 31,000 करोड़ रुपये हस्तांतरित करते हुए पीएम गरीब कल्याण योजना ने गरीबों को लाभान्वित किया है ।

प्रधानमंत्री ने " एक राष्ट्र-एक राशन कार्ड " वाली एक योजना के द्वारा गरीबों , शहर में मजदूरी कर रहे ग्रामीणों आदि को खाद्यान्न प्रदान करने की मुहिम चलाई है । योजना के अंतर्गत देश के 80 करोड़ से अधिक लोगों को प्रतिमाह 5 किलो गेहूं या 5 किलो चावल एवं 1 किलो चना मिलेगा । नवंबर 2020 तक प्रतिमाह मुफ्त राशन सरकार द्वारा वितरित किया जाएगा । 90 हजार करोड़ रूपया की लागत वाली इस योजना की भावी सफलता के लिए पीएम ने किसानों और करदाताओं को धन्यवाद किया । साथ ही भारत में कोरोनावायरस की स्थिति पर प्रकाश डालते हुए सभी देशवासियों को सावधानी रखने की सलाह दी ।


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