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Top 5 Profitable Crops for Small Scale Farmers

    Top 5 Profitable Crops for Small Scale Farmers

Top 5-Profitable Crops for Small Scale Farmers

21 Jul, 2020

Agriculture can help one earn a lot of money even on a small piece of land if he chooses the right crops. It is usually seen that farmers run after crops like wheat and rice even if they don’t own an adequate amount of land. So if you are a small scale farmer and need a crop that can earn you a lot of profit, make sure you read about these five crops before you make any decision.


  1. Herbs

Herbs are specially used for medicinal purposes in Ayurved and have high demands in markets as their production is low. It includes herbs like Ateesh, Kuth, Kutki, Shatavari, and Chirayata etc. and requires usually 1-2 months for production. If grown in proper climatic conditions herbs like Ateesh can yield up to Rs. 2.5-3 Lakhs.

  2. Gourmet Garlic

Garlic is one of the most profitable crops as it gives returns of almost Rs. 1.6 Lakhs per acre. It requires a variety of climate from cool and moist to warm and dry for growth and takes almost 130 days to yield. It is usually grown in states like Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Maharashtra etc. and especially recommended for small scale farmers.

  3. Lavender

Lavender falls in the category of Aromatic plants and it is usually used in the production of essential oils. It requires a temperate climate with good sunlight to give a good yield. It is mostly grown in places with higher altitudes like Himachal Pradesh and Jammu. But it can be also in small gardens if there are right climatic conditions present. It gives high returns to the farmer that is Rs 1.2-1.5 Lakhs per acre.

  4. Gourmet Mushroom

Mushroom is another crop with high returns. It usually takes 4-5 months to yield and require an investment of Rs. 25-30 thousand per acre. Most popular kinds of mushrooms are Oyster and Shiitake mushrooms and they especially oyster mushrooms can give returns of Rs. 3-3.5 Lakhs per acre.

  5. Coriander

Coriander is also a profitable crop that people hardly notice. It is a great crop for marginal farmers as it has high demands in the market and gives returns in only 45 days after sowing. It is usually grown in dry and cool weather as it cannot tolerate frost and gives returns of Rs. 50-60 thousands per acre while it only requires Rs. 8-10 thousand of investment per acre. It can be a really useful crop when you are short of investments.

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