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Microgreens farming: The new farming trend

    Microgreens farming: The new farming trend

Microgreens farming: The new farming trend

31 Jul, 2020

Images of tiny plants in a tray are going viral all over the internet. But if you are wondering, What are they? And Why are people getting so obsessed with it? And how can you do the same?

Then, here is all the information about this new farming trend i.e.Microgreens farming. Basically, it is just a modern way of growing nutritious and healthy plants through simple effective practice.


So, What are Microgreens?


Microgreens are used to refer to those tiny plants which are harvested and eaten in their seedling stage. Vegetables, legumes and edible leaves come under them.


Why are people getting so obsessed with microgreens farming?


First of all the best thing about microgreens farming is that it lets you earn a great amount of money with much less investment. But there are also some other benefits as-


●        The plants take only 2-3 weeks to turn into seedlings from seeds. So one doesn't need to wait for long for the end results.

●        You don't need large space to do microgreens farming as you can grow a variety of plants even in a small space. So space is no longer the constraint.

●        The shift to a healthy lifestyle has increased the demand for microgreens as they are full of nutrients than the full-grown plant.

●        The requirements for microgreens farming are less than other farming methods.

●        And you have options of plants which you can grow all year so it gives you earning all time.


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What are the requirements for microgreens farming?


For the simplest setup of microgreens farming, you only need a tray to grow, seeds to plant, paper towel to cover, water and sunlight for the plant growth. The requirements are different if you are planning for a large scale farming.


How to grow microgreens?

●        Firstly, take a piece of paper towel and spread it in a tray.

●        Then add a layer of soil to the tray. Spread the seeds in a tray and press them with gentle pressure.

●        After that add, you can add a small quantity of vermicompost for better results.

●        Spray water on the seeds properly. You have to check the moisture daily and water it according to the need.

●        Keep the tray in a warm place and cut the plants once they reach a height of 3 inches.


What plants can be grown in microgreens farming?


Basil,broccoli,cabbage,spinach,parsley,kale,beets are people's favourite in microgreen plants.But these are not the only options you have, you can go for other plants also.

You can choose microgreens farming for commercial purposes and even if you have a passion for gardening or if you want to grow healthy food at home. Whatever may be your reason to choose microgreens farming but believe us you will be very happy with the end results.




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