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Different types reversible plough and its usage

    Different types reversible plough and its usage

Different types reversible plough and its usage

26 Dec, 2023

Ploughs play a very crucial role before initiating the seed sowing. They have their frames made up of wood, iron, or steel. Traditionally, ploughs are drawn from oxen or horses, but now robust tractors pull the plough. There are different types of ploughs available based on their features, type of frame, etc. 

Here we are going to talk about the reversible plough in detail. The reversible plough machine is a very significant agricultural implement. We provide you with every possible aspect of it.

Different Types of Ploughs

After the revolution of many engines and powerful tractors, the ploughing techniques also changed because of the generation of various types of ploughs.

There exist mainly chisel plough, Ridging plough, Scots hand plough, mole plough, para plough, spade plough, switch plough, etc. The nomenclature is done on the basis of their application, shape, or any special features.

Reversible Plough Application

The reversible plough is basically used to turn the soil up and down, which is better known as tillage. Tillage is important in order to have fresh and nutrient soil upwards for new cultivation. Moreover, it is also done to bury the weeds and leftovers of the previous crop so that they don't consume the nutrition given to the new crop. Ploughing is very important as it increases the fertility of the soil and hence Reversible tractor plough is of great use to farmers.

Among so many available varieties, it becomes difficult to select anyone.

Therefore, below are some reasons why you should buy a reversible plough.   

Reversible Plough Advantages

  • It can be mounted directly on the tractor.

  • The plough works on both the left and right sides and can reverse its direction automatically.

  • The reversible plough consumes less fuel and therefore, is efficient for farmers.

  • It is more beneficial for a large piece of land.

  • Since it reverses its direction automatically, it takes less time.

  • It can be used in any type of soil. Therefore, is versatile in operation.

  • It performs several functions like soil breaking, soil turning, and soil raising.

  • It is operated hydraulically.

There are various agriculture products manufacturing companies across India that produce reversible ploughs. 

Below mentioned is the specification of Mahindra's two bottoms hydraulic  reversible plough

  • It is provided with two boards on each side.

  • It can cut up to 305mm in medium soil.

  • It can cut extremely up to 610 mm.

  • The approximate weight of this reversible plough is 285 kg.

  • It is available with double acting control valve.

  • The overall length is 1750mm, and its width and height are 870mm and 1240 mm, respectively.

Other plough images, plough drawing, plough diagram, drawing of plough, brands also have specifications almost the same as above.

Hopefully, we have resolved your queries to some extent. For more information, contact TractorGyan.

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