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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 31/07/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 31/07/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 31/07/2020

ट्रैक्टरज्ञान आपके लिये लाया है कृषि जगत से जुड़ी आज की मुख्य खबरें!

31 Jul, 2020

1.चारे की इन दो नई किस्मों से पाएं ज़्यादा उत्पादन


किसानों को पशुओं के चारे को लेकर काफी दिक्कत होती है । ऐसे में इंदिरा गांधी कृषि विश्वविद्यालय रायपुर में चारे की दो नई किस्में विकसित की गई है । इनका नाम सीजी चारा बरबटी -1 और सीजी मक्का चरी -1 है और यह दोनों ही कई गुणों से भरपूर और ज्यादा उत्पादन देने मैं सक्षम है । इनमें से सीजी चारा बरबटी 234.3 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर तक उत्पादन देने में सक्षम है और यह राष्ट्रीय चेक बीएल -1 की तुलना में 49.44% ज्यादा उत्पादन देती है । तो वही सीजी मक्का चरी -1 भी हरा चारा के लिए छत्तीसगढ़ में विकसित मक्के की पहली किसम है । यह राष्ट्रीय चेक 1006 की तुलना में ज्यादा उत्पादन देती है । यह किसम राष्ट्रीय किस्म बुंदेल लोबिया एवं यूपीसी 9202 से 12% ज्यादा उत्पादन देती है । इन किस्मों को अन्य फसलों के साथ भी लगाया जा सकता है ।और महज 50 से 60 दिनों में यह तैयार हो जाती हैं । खास बात है कि यह किसम पशुओं की सेहत के लिए बहुत लाभकारी होती हैं ।


2.धान की फसल में होता है कई बीमारियों का खतरा, इन कीटनाशकों से करें बचाव।


धान की फसल करने वाले किसानों की मुख्य समस्या इसमें लगने वाले कीट होते है। दरअसल मॉनसून में धान की फसल में कीट लग जाते है, जो फसल को भारी नुक़सान पहुंचाते है और पैदावार कम कर देते है। किसानों की इस समस्या के कुछ उम्दा समाधान कृषि वैज्ञानिकों ने सुझाएं है जिन्हें अपनाकर किसान अपनी फसल को कीट से बचा सकते है। किसानों को धान की फसल का प्रबंधन अच्छी तरह से करना होगा, जैसे अगर फसल में अगर ज्यादा खरपतवार हों तो उसकी निराई गुड़ाई आवश्यक है। इसके बाद कीटनाशक दवा का इस्तेमाल भी अहम है, 100 लीटर पानी में प्रति एकड़ अनुसार मिलाकर छिड़काव करना लाभदायक होगा। मॉनसून में फसल में दीमक नाम के कीट का भी प्रकोप होता है, इससे बचाव के लिए क्लोरोपायरीफॉस 20 ई सी 4 से 5 लीटर प्रति हेक्टेयर की दर से प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा जीवाणु झुलसा रोग भी फसल में हो सकता है, इस रोग में पत्तियां किनारों से सूखने लगती है। फसल को बचाने के लिए खेत का पानी निकाल दें और 15 ग्राम स्टप्टोसाइक्लीन और 500 ग्राम प्रति हेक्टेयर की दर से कॉपर आक्सीक्लोराइड का छिड़काव भी करें। इसके अलावा फफूंदी का प्रकोप भी फसल को बर्बाद कर देता है, बचाव के लिए 1 किलोग्राम ट्राइकोडर्मा दवा का प्रति एकड़ की दर से छिड़काव करें।



Pearl farming is one of the best aquaculture businesses in India, as pearls have excellent demand in the market. Anybody who is interested to earn profits by dedicating his time to culture the oysters. Pearls have great demand in local as well as export markets. One can carry out pearl culture farming along with other fish_farming or any aquaculture businesses. In commercial pearl farming project, the first year investment will be more as you need a fixed asset set up. When it comes to profits in commercial pearl farming project, you can expect 50 to 60% under ideal aquaculture management practices.

The important and main mussel species used for the production of pearls in India are:

• Lamellidens marginalis 

• corrianus

• Parreysia corrugata


Types of Pearls/Pearl Varieties

• Natural pearls: in this type, the shape of the pearl depends on the original shape of the foreign body.

• Artificial pearls: These are artificially made and coated with a synthetic material.

• Cultured pearls: These are cultured pearls in freshwater such as ponds, rivers, etc.


Points to Consider Before Starting A Commercial Pearl Farming Project

• Pearl farming business is a long-term project, one should dedicate time and hard work along with initial investment to set up the pearl farming project.

• One must choose a secured a safe location for setting up a commercial pearl farming project. It should be free from predators, floods other threats.

• One must have a good source of Oysters to culture in the pond.

• One must have some skills of grafting techniques in pearl culture as this is essential for commercial pearl farming project. 

• Finally, one should establish a good marketing channel to sell the pearls produced on the farm.


4.TAI has asked for regular power supply in Barak valley.


The tea association of India has requested the Assam government for regular and better power supply to the tea gardens in Barak valley. The tea industries of Assam are already dealing with the various problems but as the Cachar region comes in the Southern part of Assam, it suffers from communication issues and even sometimes it's not possible for them to get the basic raw material like coal.

TAI has also mentioned that in 2019 for regular production they have spent 82 lakhs on HSD but then also the situation hasn't changed. All these have led to the loss of 5.5Mkg compared to last year's production which was 45.05Mkg.

Already, the conditions of tea planters are not great due to COVID.So, TAI wants the Assam government to interrupt in this issue.

5.Hike in the demand of sugarcane harvesters

Sugarcane cultivation is one of that cultivation that requires labours in large proportion but due to this COVID-19 pandemic, labours have migrated to their native places and there is little possibility of their coming back at the time of harvest because of the fear of virus spread.

The situation is favourable for farming entrepreneurs to earn a lot. They have already placed an order for 200 cane harvesting machines. Each machine cost about ₹1 crore. 

The labours are booked in the month of June and July only. A group of 10-15 labours can harvest 10-15 tonnes of sugarcane in a day, while a harvesting machine can harvest about 100 tonnes of sugarcane in a single day.

In Maharashtra, farmers get subsidy for mechanical harvesters till 2017 under Rashtra Krishi Vikas Yojna, RKVY but now harvesters are excluded from RKVY. But most of the other sugarcane growing states continue to give subsidies for harvesters under Rashtra Krishi Vikas Yojna.


6.Government taking initiatives to push the agriculture sector amidst Coronavirus pandemic 


The Coronavirus pandemic has already stressed a lot on our medical and economic sectors of our country. Countering it's economic impacts to bring the economy back on track would remain a headache for a long time. Government has slowly initiated the process of reopening the businesses in different phases. But this may still not be enough. This pandemic has pushed us many years back and most of the sectors aren't showing any promising growth but there are exceptions. 

The Agricultural sector of India has grown by 5.9 % and has been looked upon as a hope to revive the economy. Various state governments and the central government has allocated money for supporting the agricultural sector of India.

Recently Andhra Pradesh has come forward to show how it may be done. They have increased the target by 12% to Rs. 2,51,600 crore and the almost of it would be for agricultural loans that too with zero interests. Government will also spend money on Agricultural infrastructures like godowns, food processing units and storage facilities.

Various such steps are taken all across the country to give more freedom to farmers in order to reach record production which will tackle the food shortages and push the economy during this pandemic.


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ग्राहक समीक्षा

Hi tractorgyan.com administrator, Thanks for the informative and well-written post!

user reviewBy Federico Causey  19-04-2023

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