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Vst Tillers Tractors sold 485 tractors and 5021 power tillers in July 2023

    Vst Tillers Tractors sold 485 tractors and 5021 power tillers in July 2023

01 Aug, 2023

VST Tillers Tractors one of the leading agricultural equipment manufacturers in the world, has recently released its sales data for July 2023. The blog showcases the impressive sales performance of the company's power tiller and tractors despite the challenging economic climate.

The blog also highlights the company's commitment to providing customers with reliable, quality products that meet their agricultural needs and enable them to continue to grow their business.

Sales for VST tractors and power tillers are as follows:

Particulars For the current period (in Nos.) For the corresponding period (in Nos.)
July - 2023     Year to date July - 2022 Year to date
Power Tillers 5021 14146 3747 12908
Tractors 485  1956 502 2189
Total (Tillers & Tractors in Nos) 5506 16102 4249 15097

It can be observed from the table given that the sales for power tillers in July 2022 were 3747 and that of July 2023 was 5021 which is 1274 more power tillers sold in July 2023. And that of Year to date sales of the same stood at 12908 in 2022 while the year-to-date sales of power tillers are 14146 in 2023, which is 1238 more than the year-to-date sales of power tillers in 2022.

As for the VST Tractors, the sales for July 2022 was 502 which was significantly higher than July 2023 when the company sold 485 tractors. Which is 17 tractors less. And for the year-to-date sales, Vst tractor sold 1956 tractors in 2023, which is lower than the year-to-date sales of 2022, when the company sold 2189 tractors.

Power tillers showed impressive sales growth in July 2023 whereas, for the VST tractors, the sales were lower but given the company’s image it does have a promising future for VST Tillers tractors and a comeback can be expected in the foreseen future.

VST Tillers Tractors is known for its remarkable agriculture machinery line. The company is adored by farmers all around the country for its top-quality tractors, implements, and other machinery. Having a long client base is surely no joke but maintaining the customer base throughout the years while increasing it is something that VST Tillers Tractors does and is truly remarkable.


About Vst Tillers Tractors

Vst Tillers Tractors Ltd are well-known manufacturers of tractors and power tillers in India. The company is known for developing the best tractors and power tillers in india. Moreover, the company consistently shows growth in its sales year-to-year. The company is garnering the trust of its customers by building the most durable power tillers, tractors, and compact 4-wd tractors. Vst Tillers Tractors Ltd. are one of the best manufacturers of compact tractors for agriculture, haulage, and commercial uses.

About TractorGyan

Tractor Gyan is an expert-led platform that aims to empower Indian farmers by providing accurate and timely information, and technological advancement about tractors and farm equipment in India.

TractorGyan helps farmers with New Tractor information, Compare Tractors, Tractor prices, Buying and selling of second-hand tractors, Tractor Insurance, Tractor Finance, Tractor tyre, Tractor Implements, Tractor EMI calculator and more. 

On our Platform, we have information about leading brands :

In tractors like Mahindra, Sonalika, John Deere, Massey Ferguson

- In Tyres like MRF, Ceat, Apollo etc.

- In Tractor Finance like Mahindra Finance, TVS Finance, Etc. 

- In Tractor Implements like Shaktiman, Fieldking, Landforce, Khedut, etc.

- In Tractor Insurance like Mahindra Finance, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank,  etc.

TractorGyan is Helping India mechanise by delivering crucial information about tractor buying and guiding farmers at every step so that they get a tractor or farm equipment that empowers and equips them to produce quality yield.

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Recently Asked Question about Vst Tillers Tractors sold 485 tractors and 5021 power tillers in July 2023

How many tractors did VST sell in July 2023?

VST sold 485 tractors in July 2023.

How many power tillers did VST sell in July 2023?

VST sold 5021 power tillers in July 2023.

How do VST's tractor sales in July 2023 compare to previous years?

In July 2022, VST tractor sales were 502 while the total tractor sales in July 2023 is 485.

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