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Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 21/07/2020

Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 21/07/2020

    Agriculture News । आज की खेती की खबर 21/07/2020

ट्रैक्टरज्ञान आपके लिये लाया है कृषि जगत से जुड़ी आज की मुख्य खबरें!

21 Jul, 2020

1.कर्नाटक के किसान ने कमाया तेज पत्ते की खेती में भारी मुनाफा, अब अन्य किसान भी कर रहे उसका अनुसरण।


किसान किस तरह अपने प्रयोगों और जागरूकता से सफलता प्राप्त कर सकता है इसका नमूना तेज पत्ते की खेती करने वाले किसान उपेन्द्र राजकुमार ने पेश किया है।

मात्र 10 बीघा भूमि में तेज पत्ते की फसल से लाखों का मुनाफा कमाने वाले कोलार (कर्नाटक) के किसान उपेन्द्र राजकुमार अपने क्षेत्र काफी प्रसिद्धि प्राप्त कर चुके हैं। आज से 10 पहले तक राजकुमार भी मुख्य रूप से धान की खेती ही करते थे मगर अच्छा फायदा ना मिलने से उन्होंने कर्ज लेकर तेज पत्ते की खेती बतौर प्रयोग शुरू की, जिसमें फ़ायदा मिला और वे इसे बड़े स्तर पर ले गए।

उनके इस प्रयोग को शुरू में लोगों ने नहीं समझा पर आज उनके गाँव के कई लोग उनका अनुसरण करने लगे है, मुनाफे के लिए लोग अब बड़ी औषधि कंपनियों से संधी भी कर रहे है।

उपेन्द्र बताते है खेती में नई तकनीके जैसे ड्रिप इरिगेशन, मलचिंग एवं क्रॉस पॉलिनेशन आदि बहुत लाभदायक है, इनमें सरकार की मदद भी मिलती है। आज उनकी तरह सभी किसान कृषि क्षेत्र की संभावनाओं का भरपूर फायदा उठा सकते है, जरूरत है तो बस उनके जागरूक होने की।


2. धान की कौनसी प्रजाति देगी सर्वाधिक उत्पादकता ,जानें किसान अमृतलाल से



 कृषि जागरण फार्मर द ब्रांड अभियान के तहत सफल किसान अमृतलाल ढनगर से उनकी सफलता की कुंजी पूछी गई । मध्यप्रदेश के मंडला जिले के अमृतलाल 50 सालों से खेती कर रहे हैं । उन्होंने अपनी मेहनत और तकनीक से खेती में काफी सफलता पाई है । अमृतलाल बताते हैं कि धान की स्वर्णा कोस्टल किंग किस्म अन्य किस्मों के मुकाबले सबसे ज्यादा उत्पादन देती है ।

 उनका कहना है कि धान में जल की ज्यादा आवश्यकता नहीं होती , केवल नमी बनी रहनी चाहिए । रोपाई के बाद किसान खेत खाली भी कर सकते हैं । 6 एकड़ क्षेत्र में धान की खेती करने वाले अमृतलाल के घर में बायोगैस प्लांट लगा हुआ है । जिससे हर साल 200 क्विंटल खाद मिलती है । उनका कहना है कि उनके क्षेत्र में कंडवा रोग की समस्या होने के कारण किसान ट्राइकोडरमा का उपयोग गोबर खाद के साथ कर सकते हैं । इसके अलावा उनका सुझाव है कि किसान ग्रीष्मकालीन जुताई जरूर करें । किसान अपनी भूमि के अनुसार बीज का चयन करें । इससे उत्पादन अच्छा और ज्यादा मिलता है । कतारों में बुवाई करें - इससे लागत कम आती है और कम पानी लगता है ।


3.The demand for incentives by Agri Sector Industries

The Agri sector industries of the country have demanded incentives from the government to increase the export. The industries mainly include yarn, textile, sugar, dairy and soybean industries. According to industrialists, the monsoon is satisfactory till mid-July and the sowing area is also increased this year which has given hope of bumper harvest this year. But the matter of concern is that the demand is already low and is expected to remain the same in coming months too. This is a serious issue for Agri sector industries, textile industries are already facing downturn due to less demand after Covid-19 pandemic, same is the case with the milk-based industries(dairy units), they are forced to convert milk into milk powder because other milk products are not in that much demand due to the pandemic and this results in the decrease of milk prices due to which industrialists are also facing farmers agitation. Therefore, dairy units are demanding incentives to export this milk powder.

The similar issue is with every agriculture-based industry and therefore, they are demanding incentives to have some sort of relief in this hardship.


4.Government support for Organic Farming.


Government has clearly understood the significance of organic farming and now both the State and Central Government have decided to give a provision of Rs.4,000 per hectare. This decision of the government will not only encourage organic farming but it will also help in solving health issues.HRD will provide free training to farmers. Under the same thought, the government has also announced a horticulture scheme and  50% subsidy. If one needs to take benefits of the scheme then he/she has to submit a copy of the aadhar card, family identity card, small/marginal farmer certificate and land document.

Under horticulture scheme with Rs.4,000 per hectare for organic farming, the government will provide a 50% subsidy on the pollinating bread, beehive and bee extractor. An amount of Rs.26.40 lakh will be used for this purpose. The scheme has started in parts of Tamil Nadu such as Kanchipuram, Karur, Tiruvallur, Tuticorin, Madurai, Virudhunagar, Namakkal, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam.

Government has decided to give 50% subsidy for construction of water storage system, greenhouse, shed netting and mulching for the betterment of horticulture. Apart from all this, the government has also allotted Rs.14.20 lakh for earthworm fertilisers production system and vermicompost. And money worth Rs.11.25 lakh will be used for the mobile vegetable cart



Soybean is an annual legume of the pea family it is an edible seed. The soybean is the most important bean in the world and plays a vital role in the economy.

The soybean is an erect branching plant and can reach more than 2 meters in height. The flowers are white or a shade of purple and are also self-fertilizing. Soybeans are the second most planted field crop in the United States of America and the majority of soybean crops there are genetically modified for resistance to the herbicide glyphosate. The soybean may be cultivated in most types of soil, but it grows well in warm, fertile, well-drained, sandy loam. Soybeans are harvested mechanically after the leaves have fallen off the plant. Like other legumes, the plant adds nitrogen to the soil by means of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and has been an important soil-enriching crop.

It is very important to get the seeds in the ground at the right time when soil temperatures get around 50°F. Soybean planting depth is another factor for the successful growth of plants. Soil temperature, moisture, and type of tillage all should be considered when choosing the depth you’ll plant beans at.


6. Decrease in Milk Prices has led to protests by dairy farmers in Maharashtra 


Covid-19 has led to economic slowdown in the country which has affected almost every business in India and one of such business is dairy farming. According to Dr Ajit Navale the general secretary of All India Kisan Sabha Maharashtra Coronovirus has led to decrease in the income of dairy farmers. As the demand of milk supply has reduced the prices paid per litre milk to farmers has also reduced. Now farmers are only getting Rs. 17 per litre but before lockdown they were getting almost Rs.30-35 per litre for their milk.

Not only by decrease in prices but the farmers are also annoyed by the decision of the central government to import 10,000 tonnes of milk powder at 15% tariff when there is already a large stock of milk powder present in the country.

Due to these reasons dairy farmers in Maharashtra supported by opposition party have started protesting against government. Their demands includes a subsidy of Rs. 10 per litre of milk should be paid to the farmers and immediate ban on the import of milk powder in the country. 

And Mahayuti has threatened the government that these protests may increase by Aug 1 if there is no immediate action taken to fulfill the needs of dairy farmers while the state government is still trying to solve this issue by meeting the stakeholders.


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