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महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर


महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर कृषि गतिविधियों को अंजाम देने के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त और विश्वसनीय हैं। ये महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर hp रेंज 15 - से 36 हॉर्सपावर के इंजन हैं। महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर की कीमत 2 लाख से 9 लाख* (लगभग) के बीच है। मिनी ट्रैक्टर का वजन कम से कम 1000 किलो है।
आज महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर न केवल उन्नत और स्टाइलिश हैं, बल्कि वे किसान को काफी हद तक लाभ पहुंचाते हैं क्योंकि वे अपने आकार में हल्के या कॉम्पैक्ट होते हैं, यह किसानों के लिए किसी न किसी सतह पर सवारी करने के लिए आरामदायक होता है, उन्हें आसानी से अनुकूलित किया जाता है। अनुकूलन क्षमता की एक उच्च श्रेणी कम ईंधन की खपत करती है और इसे बनाए रखना आसान है। ट्रैक्टर ज्ञान पर विशेष रूप से, नवीनतम महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर पर अपना हाथ प्राप्त करें। ट्रैक्टर ज्ञान में हमारे पास विभिन्न प्रकार के मिनी ट्रैक्टर मॉडल उपलब्ध हैं, और हमारा लक्ष्य आपको उचित जानकारी और विश्वसनीयता देकर उचित मूल्य पर सर्वश्रेष्ठ चुनने में मदद करना है।

महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर मूल्य सूची 2022

सभी महिंद्रा मिनी ट्रैक्टर

tractor hp एचपी :- 17
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 1
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 750 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 18.5
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 500 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 18.5
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 500 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 18.5
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 750/500 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 22
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 500 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 22
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 750 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 22
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 750 KG
tractor hp एचपी :- 22
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 3
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 750 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 24
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 4
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 750 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 27
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 4
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 500 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 27
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 4
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 1000 Kg
tractor hp एचपी :- 27
tractor cylinder सिलेंडर :- 4
tractor lifting capacity उठाने की क्षमता :- 1000 KG

popular tractorलोकप्रिय ट्रैक्टर

tractor tyre लोकप्रिय टायर ब्रांड

हाल ही में:

tractorgyan offeringsट्रैक्टरज्ञान द्वारा

About VST Mini Tractors in India 2025

VST Mini tractors are the most compact range of 4WD tractors that are equipped with cutting-edge technology and features to boost productivity. The VST mini tractor price in 2025 starts from Rs. 2.80 to 6.30 Lakh* in India. The VST mini tractors have horsepower ranging from 17 HP to 36 HP. Hence, catering to different farming needs of farmers. VST small tractors offer unmatchable performance in orchards, vineyards, horticulture, and intercutivation. The farmers can even use the VST mini tractors for small agriculture operations for crops such as sugarcane, banana, and cotton.

Moreover, VST mini tractors are highly affordable for farmers. VST Chota tractors can benefit farmers in several ways by fuel efficiency, low-cost maintenance, versatility with various attachments, and compatibility in small agriculture farms. Moreover, the engines are powerful and reliable, offering more durability. Furthermore, Mini VST tractors offer a vast network of distributors and retailers. They include 100 distributors and 6000 retailers to supply VST mini tractors, VST compact 4WD tractors, and VST implements to every corner of india.

Popular VST Mini Tractors Models in India 2025

VST mini tractors are highly popular among small and marginal farmers due to their affordability and performance of the tractor. VST small tractors are versatile in operations, bringing more compatibility around different agriculture operations. Moreover, the VST Chota tractor’s narrow size, high maneuverability, and short turning radius make them efficient for working in narrow areas of fields. 

VST Mini Tractor Models HP
VST MT 171 DI Samraat 17 HP
VST MT 180D 18.5 HP
VST VT180D JAI 2W 4W 18.5 HP
VST 918 18.5 HP
VST VT 224 1D 22 HP
VST 927 24 HP
VST MT 270 Viraat 4WD 27 HP
Vst 932 DI 30 HP

What are the VST Mini Tractor Prices?

VST mini tractor price in India in 2025, depends on many factors such as tractor models, features horsepower, and application capability. VST mini tractor price in 2025 starts from Rs. 2.50 Lakh* to 6.30 Lakh* in India. You can enquire about the VST mini tractor price easily from us. Apart from vst mini tractor price, we will even offer you guidance on selecting the right mini tractor according to your farm needs. So, contact TractorGyan, who has a proven track record of reliable and trustworthy services. We have all the information on VST Chota tractors, VST mini Tractor dealers, and VST mini tractor prices in 2025.

Who are the Dealers of VST Mini Tractors?

VST mini tractors carry an extensive dealer network in india. VST tractors have 100 distributors and 6000 retailers spread across the country. It ensures you timely access to any information regarding sales, service, assistance, repair support, etc. Hence, it is very easy to locate a dealer near you. Moreover, our platform will provide you with dealer contact information near you at your fingertips. You can save your precious time on finding the information. So reach us today to contact VST tractor dealers near you.

Why Tractorgyan for VST Mini Tractor?

TractorGyan is a reliable and trustworthy platform for gaining all the information related to tractors, mini tractors, latest tractor launch news. We also provide tractor sales reports, information on agriculture implements, tractor tyres, second-hand tractors as well as tractor dealer details.

 Apart from this, we also provide information on all the models of mini VST tractors. We have provided the VST mini tractor price list in india 2025 with their horsepower range, and all the features and specifications. Every VST mini tractor has a dedicated page to provide information related to each VST mini tractor's features, specifications, prices, and benefits. This helps farmers to compare and choose the right tractor that meets their needs. You can also compare two tractors to choose the right VST mini tractor that suits your needs. 

So, contact us for any information related to your next tractor deal at your fingertips. We ensure you with reliable, affordable, and convenient services.