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Compare Eicher 485 D CNG vs Eicher Prima 551 D CNG

Home| Compare Tractors| Compare Eicher 485 D CNG vs Eicher Prima 551 D CNG

Eicher 485 D CNG v/s Eicher Prima 551 D CNG

Eicher 485 D CNG v/s Eicher Prima 551 D CNG Tractor Features

Feature comparison is the most important because this helps us to determine which model has more to offer. Have a look at the detailed Eicher 485 D CNG v/s Eicher Prima 551 D CNG tractor features comparison.

Eicher 485 D CNG comes with a -cylinder engine of 45 HP power whereas the Eicher Prima 551 D CNG HP is 49 and it uses a -cylinder engine. The engine capacity of Eicher 485 D CNG is NA cc while it’s NA cc in the case of Eicher Prima 551 D CNG. Both the tractors have water-cooled engines.

If we compare these two models on transmission, Eicher 485 D CNG has 8 Forward + 2 Reverse gears and Eicher Prima 551 D CNG has 12 Forward + 3 Reverse gears. But, the Eicher 485 D CNG uses an independent PTO clutch and the Eicher Prima 551 D CNG comes with a single/dual clutch.

Steering adjustment is absent in both models. Eicher 485 D CNG has only Mechanical/Power steering steering but you can choose from Power Steering steering if you purchase Eicher Prima 551 D CNG.

Turning radius with brake feature is absent in Eicher 485 D CNG but is present in Eicher Prima 551 D CNG.

Eicher 485 D CNG uses DCV whereas Eicher Prima 551 D CNG has Category - II .

The wheel drive of Eicher 485 D CNG is 2WD and 2WD in the case of Eicher Prima 551 D CNG. Both tractors use ADDC control for managing the weight lifting. But, you can lift up to 1650 Kg with Eicher 485 D CNG and up to 2150 Kg with Eicher Prima 551 D CNG.

Compare Tractor Price of Eicher 485 D CNG v/s Eicher Prima 551 D CNG

Comparing Tractor prices is important for making a decision. The Eicher 485 D CNG price in India is between Rs. NA* whereas the Eicher Prima 551 D CNG price in India is within the range of Rs. NA*. Both the tractors are affordable and easily available in India.


HP hp
Engine Cylinder engine cylinder


Number Of Gears number of gears
8 Forward + 2 Reverse
12 Forward + 3 Reverse
Clutch Type clutch type
Single / Dual
Single / Dual


PTO Type pto type
Live, Six Splined Shaft
Live, Six-splined shaft,


Lifting Capacity lifting capacity
1650 Kg
2150 Kg



Brakes Type brakes type
Sealed Dry Disc Brakes / Multi Disc Oil Immersed Brakes
Multi Disc Oil Immersed Brakes
Steering steering
Mechanical/Power steering
Power Steering
Tyre Size tyre size
F(6 X16)/(7.50 X16), R(13.6X28)/(14.9X28)
F(6.00X16)/(7.50X16), R(14.9X28)


Misc. Options
    • ENGINE
    • LIFT
    • GEAR BOX
    • TYRE
    • ENGINE
    • LIFT
    • GEAR BOX
    • TYRE
    *Select Atleast Two Tractor

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    Which is best tractor for you, Eicher 485 D CNG Tractor or Eicher Prima 551 D CNG Tractor?
    Should you buy Eicher 485 D CNG Tractor or Eicher Prima 551 D CNG Tractor? Find out which tractor is best for you - compare the two tractors on the basis of their Price, HP, Cylinder, LIFTING CAPACITY, and other features and specifications. Eicher 485 D CNG Tractor and Eicher Prima 551 D CNG Tractor ex-showroom price varies from city to city. To know the price click here. Eicher 485 D CNG Tractor has 45 HP, Cylinder engine while Eicher Prima 551 D CNG Tractor has 49HP, Cylinder engine.

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