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Home| Tractors Question| What is CC in a tractor engine?

What is CC in a tractor engine?

14-Sep-2023 |  Asked by: Ramakant Shivhare

All Answers:


When we talk about a tractor engine and its displacement power, it’s commonly measured is CC which stands for cubic centimeters. CC in a tractor engine is used to display the engine displacement, which is the measurement of the total volume that all of its pistons displace as they move.

Displacement is often used to portray the engine’s power output capacity and its size. Knowing the displacement CC of a tractor is important for farmers when they are buying a tractor. With this value, they can have an idea of the engine's capacity.

A tractor with high CC generally means that the tractor will have a high-power engine and will be able to perform better on the field as compared to a tractor with low CC. High CC is generally observed in heavy-duty tractors.
However, CC is not the only factor that should be taken into account while buying a tractor. Farmers should also learn about HP, PTO, hydraulics, transmission, and many more before finalizing a tractor.

   14-Sep-2023 |   Answer by: Niharika

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